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Monday, April 21, 2014


// Group Rallies Against "Stand Your Ground" // 

 ....  IDIOTS  ....


 A group, Moms Demand Action, said the South Carolina Law, Passed in 2006, causes gun violence and is exploited as a defense. .... "BULL"
Dozens of people gathered at a rally against the state's "Stand Your Ground," Law, saying it amounts to "legal lynching." .... " BULLCRAP "
Lucia McBath, whose 17-year-old son died when a man shot him outside a Florida gas station in November 2012, said getting rid of "Stand Your Ground," laws is tough because some people don't understand what she and others are trying to do.
"It's never been to take your guns away," said McBath. "It's only to make those that use the guns accountable for their behavior."  She said she wants to stop people from using the law in defense of crimes. 
Attorneys for the man who killed her son, Jordan Davis, invoked the state's "Stand Your Ground," law in a murder trial that ended with a hung jury. Michael Dunn, however, was convicted on three counts of attempted murder. ( This Guy Was A Clown. Career Criminal. Some Dumb Judge Considered The Law for His Defense. Not The Same At All )  

However, Not everyone agrees with McBath and others who want the Law Repealed. People have Concealed Weapons Permits and Carrier Handguns on there Person for a Reason. "The Law Must Stand." ( AMEN )
( ' If you're attacking me, I'll try to get you any way I can to defend my life," said Woods." 'Stand Your Ground,' is, 'Stand Your Ground.' Stay there. Defend yourself. Why does a Law Abiding Citizen have to Run away ? Non-sense )
In February, State Rep. Harold Mitchell, D-Spartanburg, Introduced a Bill - That would change part of the state's "Stand Your Ground," Law. His measure would Remove the part that allows a person to defend his- or herself anywhere he or she "...has the right to be." ... "    .... WHAT .... !? "  

Might as well get rid of the the Law if you do that ... ( idiots )

 There has Yet to be a Hearing on the Bill 



  Readers Comments ...

 It can sound so very simple when only part of the story is told !  I wonder, was her son innocently walking down the street when some mean, vicious person decided to shoot him? Or perhaps a part of a group being an active threat to the life of someone else ? You won't get the whole story either, because only part of the story can be used to manipulate people the way someone desires. Sorry, if you don't want to get on the wrong end of a firearm, you don't attack people, harass people or attempt to terrorize people. Reminds me of a news story from England. Seems a WW2 vet still had a firearm he didn't think he had to turn in, as he had been granted the lifelong right to posses one. Someone broke into his home, and was armed, which states an intent to kill and the vet shot him. The burglar's mother said in Court that her son didn't deserve to die. Perhaps not, but he chose to break into someone's home and be armed, creating an unequivocal threat to the home owner's life. It seems obvious the home owner had no choice beyond being killed by a criminal or defending himself. England's messed up "justice" system sent the victim to prison. Still, in this case, the defense lawyers could have tried to make it look as if their client was completely innocent of wrong doing... in much thew same way this group is willing to try to make it look as if this law is only ever used by people who have a choice and refer to be cold blooded killers. The old military maxim ids still true today, you lose more men trying to retreat than you do in the battle. When you try to walk away the chances of you being attacked skyrocket.
    •  They have Lynching and Self Defense Confused.  I think it is because they are confused personally ! Their is a Dramatic Difference.
    •  You're right, it seems they haven't a clue as to what lynching actually is. This, like many other things, sounds good in the abstract. In real life though, you have to be responsible for your own decisions... like whether to be a part of a group that became such a threat to someone that they felt their only choice was to use a firearm. ( group as in a gang )

  •  People have the right to defend themselves & should ! These thugs shouldn't walk up trying to rob, rape, & kill people. The law needs to remain in effect & they should give the 1's that had to defend themselves from a thug a gold medal, cause it means that the rest of us can walk down a street safely w/out that thug trying to harm us.
      •  Stand your ground is right. What else can you do? You can't run away from them I think being prepared is best stand with arms before you let someone harm you.
    •  You notice that there is never a Mention of the Thugs that do most of the Gun Crimes, who get Illegal Guns to begin with, it is always the legal gun owners they rant about, NO Gun Law Will Keep the Guns Out of the Thugs Hands and keep them from using them. Look inward before you try to blame Law Abiding people for Gun Violence.
      •  Bloombergs 50 million at work manipulating the lame stream media...But it will not work because most common people are not that stupid.

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