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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

// Donald Sterling Was In His Own Home // His Mistress Recorded Him // Black Lady // Golddigger // Set Up //

DONALD STERLING : The Man was Setup and Speaking in the Privacy of His Own Home. I don't at all agree with his statements, However he has the Right to Speak his Mind is his Own Home. Another Case of Freedom of Speech being taken away. I wouldn't want my girlfriend hanging all over another man no matter the race ! Too bad the World isn't color blind ! We have enough issues going on around the World over So Many Much Serious Issues. Again I don't agree with what he said buts lets all face the facts, we've all said things in our Homes that should Stay Private. My question is who and why was his private conversation recorded and then made public ? Somebody has to have a private agenda to make this case blown up and make him appear to be a bad person. 

 Which one of us has Not said something Negative 

about another Individual or Race in the Privacy of our 

Own Home. How would any of us feel if our personal 

conversations were taped and presented to the world. He 

who is without sin can cast the first stone! This is all we 

are seeing on TV now. And by the way, he said he had a 

lot of respect for Michael Jordan.

This is just another thing for this country to fixate on. 

The ignorance in this country is ridiculous. 1st of all this 

man was simply jealous of his mistress posting a pic of 

her with another man his wording is what is being 

ridiculed. The fact that this so called woman has released 

recording (Which I thought was illegal to do without 

other persons knowledge) is pathetic on her part.

NOW it is turning into a racial debate & ppl say 

everything he earned should be taken..LOL. 

REALLY...What about Black Racists like Kanye West who 

Bashes on White ppl DAILY & in tons of songs which are 

public. This man is being ridiculed for something he said 

in the Privacy of his Own Home. Has he ever mistreated a 

black person or belittled anyone?! I am sorry but ppl 

obsessing over the small things like this is what is 

ruining this country. What about the black panthers? 

What about the actual racists? I guess its not racist 

unless you are white. Just like any white person that 

didnt vote for Obama was racist right...SMH. This is just 

sad !!


 IDIOTS  ... 

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