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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Brittanee Drexel was Lured to Myrtle Beach by her alleged friends. Peter Brozowitz checks out of his Hotel at 2 am where Brittanee Drexel had last visited only hours before. Peter Brozowitz Lawyers up the next morning in Rochester, NY. After driving for 13 hours.

                                                                                                                                                          " Archives "

 - Updated


                                    We call these 4 men, "The Untouchables" 

 2 African American men came forward at different times. They told 
the Detectives assigned to the Case of these 4 men leaving South 
Santee / McClellanville area heading to Myrtle Beach. 

 They returned 2 hours later with a white female in the back seat. 
Both Witnesses testified that the white female in the back seat 
was Brittanee Drexel.    ( News article attached below. ) 

Here are 3 of 4 men walking behind Brittanee Drexel : 

                 Brittanee Drexel. Vital evidence withheld for active Case. 
              Understandable.  However, after 10 years this was no longer 
                     Vital Evidence !!??  -  No One told the Family this 
                            evidence wasn't Vital anymore ?!    
                       It would be over a year and a half before 
           Raymond Moody walked into the Police Station @ Confessed??  
                ( a year and a half before moody confessed the feds told us 
                    to be cool, and post nothing about the Brittanee Drexel 
                    case. we complied. they had found some new evidence. 
                      a year and a half passed, then moody confesses ??!! 
                                                 mk ultra  )

  MK Ultra - Mind Control with LSD.  

                All our African American friends said it best. " Come now, 
               come now, we all remenber the police in our neighborhood 
               talking to all of us. People know about the taylors. We tired 
              of the Taylors. All that Evidence and now you say a white man 
               did it ? Come now, come now. "    (  MK Ultra  ) 

 MK Ultra - Mind Control, LSD, can make anyone Confess ....... 

 We were Told in 2012 Moody was in Jail and could not have done it. 

Then, told don't write nothing about the Drexel case. We Complied. 

Over a year later Raymond Moody Confessed ??!!   WTH ....... 

These pictures are off a CCTV camera were never made public. 

Not until 10 years later. 

Vital Evidence. 

The Detectives after hearing about these 4 suspects taking a small 

white female out the back seat of a car from Myrtle Beach.

 They knew this matched up with the Pictures.  3 walking 

behind her and 1 driving the car. 

The Detectives went to interview these fine outstanding young men. 

On God's Bible, the 3 Detectives were "Threatened with Arrest." 

If they tried to Interview or Arrest these men !!?? 

Anybody with half a brain knows this is great evidence, 

4 named kidnappers, alleged, and pictures of 3 of them 

behind a girl that is missing. 

All 3 Detectives were removed off the Case !!?? 

This was in late 2009 and early 2010. 

In 2011, others Detectives saw the Evidence and the 

Pictures and went to interview the 4 named men above. 

These Detectives were on the New Task Force. 

They too were Threatened with arrest if they Interviewed 

or arrested these 4 suspects. 

We call this a Clue. Evidence. We have PC. 

PC is Probable Cause to Interview these 4 men. 

2 eyewitnesses saw Drexel get out the back seat of a car. 

The FBI again Threatened every Detective with Arrest. 

The Feds / FBI threatened no less than 8 

different Detectives just trying to do their jobs. 

The FBI allowed Not a single Detective to speak to any 

one of this 4 men. Walking behind a Missing girl ??!! 

*Now you decide what really happened. 

One thing for sure a whole lot of Hogwash 

went down.  

( we all remember in 2012, that moody couldn't have
done it. because he was in jail. for 2 whole weeks on our 
TV sets they talked with moody. 2 weeks Breaking News. 
every evening at 6 pm. then told us he was in jail and 
couldn't have taken her. then, 12 years later he 
took her ??!!  wth.  yall got to make up your minds. 
yall sound like joe biden.   make no sense ....  ) 

Many believe Moody was the last person with her. 
This because the FBI said early on she was sold many 
times in different cities. To different men. Human Trafficking. 
Many believe, as we do, Moody was the fall guy. 
The Feds cut the tail off the snake, but didn't 
cut off the head off the Human Trafficking Ring.

 MK Ultra - Mind Control can make anyone Confess ....... 

 We were Told in 2012 Moody was in Jail and could not have 

done it. 

Then, told don't write nothing about the Drexel case. 

We Complied. 

Over a year later Raymond Moody Confessed ??!!   WTH ....

More were involved. 



Innocent people do not burn down Stash Houses. 

 However, Timothy Shaun Taylor did. 

Because he's not innocent. 

Nor are several of his friends. 

 Bleach might not get all the Fibers, Blood, Semen,

DNA, etc.,  However, Fire will.  He couldn't chance it. 

One or two might roll. 

 ( when we were in law enforcement we called this a, "Clue" )

       ( apparently the feds missed this class .. )

 What better way to Kidnap girls from Myrtle Beach and other Beaches when you 

can ride around in a "Tow Truck" and spot and call the Van into grab the victims. 

Like they tried to do with Randa Massey. Only a year after taking another girl. 

Shaun Taylor set fire to a drug house to protect himself and others.
They kidnapped many of young girls and brought them here.
McClellanville, SC. The FBI had only street names of others involved.
Foot, Homie, Rooster, Skills, QB, Cruz, 40, etc. Trafficking Ring.
After a year went by, Shaun Taylor found out the FBI had all 7
real names, he immediately burned it to the ground. He knew 2 or
3 might roll. Listen to what he says. He hangs his own self by his words alone. ( 1:30 - 2:30 he's arguing with a lady about the other drug house, trespassing signs, Shaun is nervous and upset with her, he and the lady exchange heated words. then at the end from 4:40 till the end, Shaun says," Damn I should have parked the Lexus over there." His son says move it now, Shaun replies, " that fire to hot for that now." ) Arson .... Obstruction of Justice ....


Shaun knew some would snitch. Roll to save themselves.

**Many people do not buy the Raymond Moody story the Feds told.
# 1: in 2012 they told us Moody was in Jail and couldn't
have taken her.
# 2: Da'shaun Taylor told the FBI of 2 men in McClellanville arguing
over Brittanee Drexel Cellphone.
# 3: Countless other Witnesses gave statements bout the Taylors and
others Kidnapping girls.
# 4: Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave
signed Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
# 5: Sold her in Georgetown, North Charleston and McClellanville.
The FBI testified to the above.
# 6: Burning the Stash house to the ground with his face & voice on Video. - which he later deleted..
# 7: Shaun Taylor by his own hand, "Corroborated" everything
several other witnesses had told Detectives and the FBI.
# 8: Video of Arson, Obstruction of Justice, etc. Shaun Taylors

Why would Shaun burn a house to the ground of he was so innocent??
Then - delete the video after 30 minutes??!! Guilty .......

*More were involved.*

The FBI was so busy "Removing Detectives" off the Case instead of working with the Detectives to solve it. Shameful. Dragged it out for 12 years for a reason.

Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave signed
Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
Detectives threatened with Arrest. WTH. If they even talked with these
4 men. .... Hogwash .... !

** Also, everyone was told in 2012 Raymond Moody was in Jail at the
time Drexel went missing. It was on the TV set for 2 weeks straight.
How can he be in 2 places at once?? MK Ultra.

  1.   Shaun's criminal act, " Corroborated " every witness statement.  
  2. *20 Days after Brittanee Drexel was Kidnapped another Woman was also Kidnapped. Mae Cynthia Bullock .. Randa Massey was nearly Kidnapped not a year after Drexel disappeared. Same area, walking alone, MB, etc., Too many coincidences.

    Mae Cynthia Bullock, missing since 2009
    On May 15, 2009  Mae Bullock, a homeless woman in Myrtle Beach, contacted her son in Hickory, N.C. telling her son that she was coming to visit him. She was never heard from again. According to reports, her son grew concerned that he had not heard from his mother in four months. The cellular phone that she had was also not reachable. Bullock's son did not know where to find her but he did know that she frequented the community kitchen for meals and the First Baptist Church in Myrtle Beach. On the same day she last contacted her son, May 15, 2009, Bullock filed a police report in regards to being a victim of credit card fraud but she did not leave any contact information to follow up on. None of the people that knew her in the area had seen her or knew her whereabouts. The case remains open and unsolved.  

    On 4/25/2009 - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Went Missing April 25, 2009. She was last seen leaving the Blue Water Hotel where she'd gone to connect with friends. But she only stayed for 10 minutes, according to surveillance footage which picked up her arrival and exit. Her boyfriend at the time John Grieco was forced to call Dawn and delivered the stunning news that Brittanee was missing, WMBF reported. A day after she went missing on April 25, 2009, her cellphone emitted its last signal near the South Santee River. Near McClellanville, S.C.  ( SEVERAL WITNESSES HAVE MADE IT CLEAR THE TAYLOR CRIME FAMILY OF McCLELLANVILLE S.C. TOOK BRITTANEE DREXEL. ALONG WITH CO - DEFENDANTS. ) 

    Several years later, Timothy Da'shaun Taylor, admits to
    hearing other men arguing over Brittanee Drexel 
    Cell Phone. Da'Shaun got scared and ratted on 2 others as 
    he was failing the Polygraph test for the second time. He 
    told the FBI these 2 men names. Part of a Plea Deal.  
    He was the brains, planner and get away driver for Robbing 
    a McDonalds. The Manager was even Shot. But lived. 
    Being a Taylor and playing the race 
    card he got only Probation ??!!   However, 
    he knows a great deal about Brittanee Drexel. 

    They ought to put Da'Shaun Taylor back on a Polygraph. 
    Lord knows he can't pass one to save his life. 

    This so he can betray & inform on other associates also.

    He could tell us about everyone else involved .. 

    Fifth victim drawing of attempted kidnappers. Know this 
    people, The Taylors look a lot alike. Randa Massey. She 
    picked Shaun Taylor who was some place else. However, 
    again the Taylors look a lot alike. Randell, Francis and 
    Shaun look like twins. Errol to.  
    On Facebook families says, "Y'all look like twins." 

    *God forbid we took a second look at where was killer 
    Randell Taylor that day or Errol.  

    ( they tried to kidnap her 1 year almost to the day 
    after kidnapping brittanee drexel. same city .. 
    same mo, same white girls alone, ect.   )

    Can you tell them apart ? Family and friends can't.  
    Again, God forbid we take a second look at these cases. 
    Randa Massy picked out Shaun. When in fact Randell 
    Taylor is a stalker and a known killer. Eli and Harry 
    told us that.  .... Randell Taylor has No less than 6 
    Facebook pages found so far. Mostly women friends. 
    They have no idea he Kidnapped, Raped and Killed 
    Shannon McConaughey. 
    5 victims and we know there are more. 
    All those poor African American women .. 
    They also raped .. 

                                                        Brittanee Drexel 

                                                                     Crystal Soles 

                                  Mae Cynthia Bullock 

     Went missing only 2 weeks after Brittanee Drexel. 

    Same area, alone, MB, female, easy to grab, ETC.,  

    She was kidnapped just weeks after Drexel. 20 days 

    later only.  How was Drexel Cell Phone in McClellanville

    if she was with Moody????   Trafficking Ring fall guy....  

                                   Randa Massey  

     Nearly kidnapped by the Taylors and the Trafficking ring.  

    She escaped with her life. Picked out the Taylors in a photo 

    line up.  She picked Shawn, however Randell, Shawn. and 40 

    aka  Errol Taylor  ( German )  look alike.  Like twins family say. 

     Shawn walked again.  

    1. Just like Randell Taylor did after Kidnapping, Raping and 
    2. Murdering Shannon McConaughy. 2 Confessed to all who were 
    3. involved.  .... Yet they all walked again.  1998 - 2001.  

- Brittanee Drexel was Lured to Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her alleged friends teased her that she couldn't go.
Drexel traveled to Myrtle Beach from Rochester, NY with alleged friends Jennifer Oberer, Philip Oberer, Alanna Lippa and others, on April 22, 2009.
The group left Rochester on April 22, after a 13-hour drive, they arrived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on 23 rd. On the night of April 25, Brittanee Drexel disappears. 
According to Brittanee’s Drexel boyfriend, John Grieco, Brittanee wasn't having much fun on the trip. She was uncomfortable with some of the activities her friends were doing and it was causing tension between the group and Brittanee. The alleged friends were doing drugs. Earlier in the day, she had run into Peter Brozowitz, an old acquaintance from her hometown of Rochester, NY. Feeling like an outsider, Brittanee later saw Peter and his friends on the Beach and later decided to visit Peter's hotel, The Blue Water Inn, about a mile from her own. Brittanee borrowed a pair of shorts from Jennifer Oberer who she came with and headed out. Traffic cams and the hotel CCTV confirmed she made it to the hotel. Not long after arriving, however, the friend told Brittanee she wanted the shorts back because she wanted to wear them. ( Jennifer Oberer again ) Video captured Brittanee leaving The Blue Water Inn at approximately 8:40 PM. She is then seen on same traffic cam headed back in the direction of Bar Harbour Hotel, where she was staying, This is the last time Brittanee Drexel is ever seen.

Peter Brozowitz, Jennifer Oberer or someone claiming to be a friend may have indeed Sold Brittanee Drexel to the Taylors Crime Family and Associates .. Perhaps a Drug Debt they owed .. 
Remember Jennifer texted her to bring her shorts back. Poor Brittanee had just walked over a mile. Now she has to walk back after leaving Peters and 2 other guys room. A few minutes later she is kidnapped .. Too much of a coincidence ..  

If Peter Borowitz was so innocent, why did he leave in the dead of night. 2, 3 am.?
Brittanee hadn't even been reported missing yet. 
Then, upon arriving back in Rochester, NY. He immediately Lawyers up?!
Deletes his Facebook page. 

Photos below-1) Alanna, Brittanee, Nico 2) Jennifer, Brittanee 3) Brittanee, Nico, Jennifer, Ugur 4) Brittanee, Alanna, Anthony, Jennifer 5) On the left, back to front- boys-Viet, Ugur, Louie. Middle, back to front-girls-Brittanee, Alanna, Jennifer. On the right, back to front-boys-Khalid, Anthony. 6) Alanna, Brittanee, Jennifer 

Peter Brozowitz, a 20 year old Nightclub Promoter in Rochester, NY., and Nightclub Promoter in Myrtle Beach, SC at Club Kryptonite would abruptly check out of his hotel at 1 AM, only hours after Brittanee Drexel left his room, leaving his deposit behind and some cloths. He retained a criminal defense attorney immediately upon returning back in Rochester, NY. He left with 2 other young men.    
Brittanee Drexel and her boyfriend had been texting constantly throughout the day. Her text messages to him stopped not long after leaving Peter's hotel. Even after threatening Brittanee that he would tell her mom about the trip, The boyfriend John
Grieco never received a response. Her phone pings, heading south on US 17, pings again about an hour later in McClellanville, South Santee area. The last ping was in a nearby swamp area. Despite many searches, no trace of Brittanee or any of her belongings were ever found.

                                                     Peter Brozowitz 


                                                      Facebook picture today ... 

Peter Brozowitz, nor any of the girls or other boys bothered to help look for Brittanee. Not one of them helped search nor would they talk to the Brittanee Drexel family. (?) The only reason they stayed a couple extra days was because the Myrtle Beach police had to interview them. Peter Brozowitz was interviewed by Police via phone at his Attorneys Office. Back in Rochester, NY. 

Alleged Friends were:

Alanna Lippa
Jennifer Oberer 
Phil Oberer, (Jennifer's brother & Alanna's boyfriend)
Ugur Ozturk, (Jennifer's boyfriend)
Viet Nguyen 
Louie D'Amico
Nico Chirico
Khalid Sinclair 
Anthony Humphries 

That evening the group decided to go to Club Kryptonite together. They ran into another group there from Rochester that were staying at a separate hotel. The people in that group were:

Peter Brozowitz
Keith Cummings
Phil Watson
Matt Ahrans
Anthony Schmizzi 

That night Brittanee was seen in Club Kryptonite's VIP area with Peter. Back home in Rochester, Peter is a Club Promoter. But still, being 20 at the time, how did Peter get into a 21 and over VIP area? How did he get Brittanee in there with him? Who else was there? 

In July 2016, a jailhouse informant, Taquan Brown, told the FBI that he had been a witness to what had happened to the teenager. According to Brown, Brittanee had been kidnapped and brought to a stash house in Mcclellanville, where she had been held against her will for 5 days. Brown witnessed a drug dealer named Da'Shaun Taylor and others sexually assaulting her, Brown had come to pay Shaun Taylor, the father, drug money he owed. Brown then said after awhile Brittanee had managed to escape and run outside before being caught and pistol whipped by Da'Shaun Taylor. Afterwards he dragged Brittanee back inside. Shaun Taylor, father, went in 
and two gunshots were heard.

Several other witnesses have spoken of the same.

These are the street names of others present in the room with Brittanee Drexel. 

The Informant Knew the others by their street names only:
At The Stash House In McClellanville, SC

 Co - Defendants:








 and Snow Bunny

Also, Peter Brozowitz - his father employers have a boat docked in the marina thats approx a few miles from where her cell phone last pinged. He has frequented this dock as a child. His facebook account was deleted by his lawyer before arriving home from rochester. He reactivated the account in May of 2009 after deleting everything that was previously on it. So that is why there is no mention of MB or visiting.

Peter Brozowitz leaves Myrtle Beach, SC in a hurry at 1 am. Drives 13 hours to 

get away. 

The next day back in Rochester, NY. Peter Lawyers up. His Lawyer deletes his 
Facebook account. 

Peter Brozowitz has ties to the area. By his actions alone he raises alarm bells.

Did Peter Sell Brittanee Drexel to the Taylors and Associates ?? Why leave your 
clothes and deposit behind. Why leave at 1 am ?? Why leave in such a hurry 
if you did nothing wrong. Brittanee Drexel hadn't even been reported missing. However Peter Brozowitz leaves town in a hurry. 

Did the Myrtle Beach Police Department get his Phone records ?? 
To see who he was talking with or either of his friends ?? 

                Why delete your facebook account Peter ?? 

Peter Brozowitz may have indeed Sold Brittanee Drexel to the Taylors Crime 
Family and Associates ..  Perhaps a Drug Debt he owed .. 

                Brittanee Drexel and Suspects Da'shaun Taylor and Shaun Taylor  


     *Why remove 3 Detectives off a Case when they are so 

          close to making Arrest??  2010 & 2011  Politics.... 

                            Brittanee Drexel Case 

They say things were going great. Chris Bailey describes the momentum and chemistry they had from the very beginning.

"You took strangers," said Bailey, "I had never met Rocky before, never met Vincent before, and never met Steve or anybody else from Merrill's before the case, and in a short time, they were able to build a bond and trust."

With the help of Merrill's Investigations, Chris and Rocky say all the agencies were working side-by-side, gaining ground. 

Detectives Chris Bailey, Rocky Burke and Vincent Dorio. Had the 4 kidnappers names. 

They lived and breathed this case, working and developing new leads and getting very close to making some arrests. 

Close to making Arrest. However - the Feds stopped them??  2010. 

In the summer of 2010, however, they say that all changed.

In June, Bailey was taken off the case completely for the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office. Just a few months later, the same thing happened to Burke at the Charleston County Sheriff's Office.

"Some new task forces were formed and my role was diminished," said Burke.

*People would be shocked to know what really happened in this Case. 

*For 10 years, these pictures taken off a CCTV Camera, were considered vital evidence in the case. However, after 10 years had passed, they were forgotten about?? This is why the Detectives wanted to talk to the 4 alleged kidnappers. 3 African Americans behind Drexel. However, the FBI wouldn't let seasoned Detectives simply interview these men?? - Unheard of. ( More were involved. ) See Below article: Drexel case heats up as persons of interest identified
Published Friday, April 09, 2010 - 7:25 PM

Investigators from three counties who have been working to find a missing New York teenager say they now have persons of interest in the case.

Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Neil Johnson said based on information that has been collected investigators feel Brittanee Drexel who was 17 years old when she disappeared from Myrtle Beach last year is no longer alive.

Johnson said investigators have “three and possibly four” persons of interest in the case. He said no other details about the persons of interest is being released at this time.

Johnson said there is no reason to believe the persons of interest knew Drexel directly.

He said lie detector tests have been administered to two of them.

Investigators from Horry and Charleston Counties are also involved in the case because Drexel’s last known whereabouts was at a Myrtle Beach hotel.

Signals from her cell phone were detected in the North Santee area along the Georgetown County - Charleston County border on April 26 of last year, one night after she went missing from Myrtle Beach. Several searches have been conducted in the North Santee area as well as in northern Charleston County for any evidence that may lead to Drexel.

Johnson said the case got hot in December when Georgetown County Investigator Chris Bailey received information about Drexel’s disappearance.

It was in December that searchers found a pair of sunglasses near the river in North Santee.

“Everything we know is leading to this area,” Johnson said. “At this point, based on everything we know, we feel she is not alive.”

Johnson said the evidence continues to point to southern Georgetown County as the place something may have happened to Drexel. He said that is based on the amount of text messages she sent in the days before her disappearance.

“She was constantly on the phone texting. Then it all stopped when she went missing,”he said. “It was like someone took the phone.”
He said a private investigation service from Maine has been hired to help in the case because they have a lot of resources such as cadaver dogs to assist local authorities.

When asked if having persons of interest will lead to charges in the case, Johnson said that is not currently known.

“We could make an arrest next week or next year, we just do not know” he said.

By Scott Harper

Charleston Co., Georgetown Co. and Myrtle Beach PD 
Detectives' had the Information and Leads needed to 
make Arrest in 2010.   
They all were pulled ..  WTH ..    

Cover Up ..  

3 Veteran Detectives threatened with Arrest if they did their jobs. 

In 2011, the new Task Force, tried also to Arrest the 4 Kidnappers.
They too were stopped and threatened with arrest by the FBI. 

This Case was solved 12 years ago. Which would have been a lot easier 
on the family. The 4 Kidnappers could have told the Detectives who else 
was involved. Human Trafficking. However, for some reason the 
FBI stopped all Arrest. 
Makes no sense. 
Except for a Cover Up. 

*The Admins. of this Blog got everything from the News Media, 
FBI and or the Courts: 
CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc., 
From Rochester, NY., Myrtle Beach, SC. to Charleston, SC. 
Post and Courier, Rochester, NY Papers, Myrtle Beach News 
and Papers. 

Also, Courtroom Testimony, Federal Court. 
Written Confessions from the Courts. State Court. 

All Certified News outlets. To Federal and State Courts. 
Every post was backed by either: Court Documents, Confessions, 
Courtroom Testimony - to actually News accounts. News stories. 

See Links below: 

1. Da'shaun Taylor had his own suspicious of others. 

Da'Shaun Taylor told on 2 brothers who had Brittanee Drexel Cell Phone in McClellanville, SC. After he just failed his second Polygraph Exam. He was trying to compose himself and got pissed off and told on 2 others involved in Brittanee Drexel disappearance. Da'shaun Taylor had his own suspicious of others. 

*How is her Cell Phone in McClellanville?? ..Others involved. 

2. Shawn Taylor set a house on Fire to cover up the horrors within. Ask the FBI for the Facebook Video of him talking about the Fire which he deleted 30 minutes later. However, not before Rochester, NY made a copy of said Arson. And the Destruction of Evidence of many Victims: Kidnapped, Rapes, Tortures and Murders. Shaun Taylor was getting rid of DNA. Tampering with a crime scene is a crime. So is Arson.   

*How the powers that be can explain away this - no one knows. Even the "SS" Gang, South Santee said, "They guilty as hell." A wanted man can burn down a home and walk?? On Video. With several girls missing.  

- Burned down a Stash House. Don't sound innocent to anyone. 


    Why did Shaun Taylor and others want this Stash house burned

   to the ground?? Many young girls kidnapped, sold, and raped 

   in this house.    - Other girls still missing. 

   FBI packs up and leaves??

    If it wasn't Brittanee Drexel, "if," then who was the 

   girl inside the stash house, drug house?? 

An abandoned home that belonged to the family of a suspect in Brittanee Drexel’s disappearance burned down on Saturday evening.
FBI officials did not immediately respond to see if the property is one of the “stash houses” that was searched for clues to her disappearance.
The blaze was reported around 10 p.m. Saturday at 1819 Old Collins Creek Road in McClellanville, South Carolina, said Chief Mike Bowers with the Awendaw-McClellanville Consolidated Fire District.
The road is south of where federal and local investigators searched for clues in Drexel’s case in 2016.

Fire crews arrived to find the building engulfed in flames. Bowers said the house had no power and built 80 years ago.

Crews on scene 1819 Old Collins Creek Road for a structure fire. This is an abandoned, unoccupied building. All hands workinf

3. Testimony by FBI agent concerning the Brittanee Drexel Case. Brittanee Drexel was Human Trafficked, showed off, taken to 3 different cities: North Charleston, Georgetown and McClellanville. Many Witnesses. 

See Transcript below:



4. The FBI also had Several other Witnesses tell them who took 

    Brittanee Drexel. Plus via Tip Line: 1-800-FBI-TIPS. 

    Besides Taquan Brown. 

Drexel was last captured on video on April 25, 2009, leaving the Blue Water Hotel in Myrtle Beach, where she was staying against her parents' permission. A different inmate serving time at Georgetown County Jail told officials he was informed Da’Shaun Taylor picked Drexel up in Myrtle Beach and transported her to McClellanville.
Munoz said the FBI believes Taylor “showed her off, introduced her to some other friend that were there…they ended up tricking her out with some of their friends, offering her to them and getting a human trafficking situation.”
As the media spotlight grew ever brighter on the desperate efforts to find Drexel, the girl was “murdered and disposed of,” Munoz said.   

5. Attempted Abduction of Randa Massey.  07/28/10

Myrtle Beach Police arrested a McClellanville man wanted in connection to a kidnapping attempt a week ago in Myrtle Beach -- a case that has eery similarities to that of missing spring breaker Brittanee Drexel. Shaun Taylor, 37, turned himself in Wednesday morning to face charges of attempted kidnapping and first degree assault. An arrest warrant was obtained Monday, and despite two days of searching, detectives were unable to locate Taylor.

( Why was Shaun Taylor hiding from Police?? )

 6. Kidnappings prompt look back at other Missing Girls: 

Shannon McConaughey, Brittanee Drexel, Crystal Soles, 

Mia Cyntha Bullock, many others Missing .. 

7. Randell Taylor, Shaun Taylors older brother, started the 

    Kidnappings in 1998 if not before, along with 4 other men. 

    They took Shannon McConaughey from us. 

    Kidnapped her, Raped her and Murdered her. 

    2 Wrote Written Confessions. See below:  

8. Video of Arson, Obstruction of Justice, etc., Shaun Taylors

James Isaac Weston Jr. aka "Tag"

Harry James Rivers - Confessed in Writing. 

Elijah "Eli" J. Johnson - Confessed in Writing. 

and Jacob Taylor.


Timeline that reveals the Shannon McConaughey story: ( January 1998 - May 2001 )


"...Shannon McConaughey was last reported seen about 11 p.m. Jan. 29, leaving the Cracker Barrel restaurant on Ashley Phosphate Road..."

"...On Friday, McConaughey's dark-blue 1984 Mercury Cougar was found burned on a remote road near McClellanville. The fire nearly destroyed the car, and investigators found only a cellular phone and some Amway notebooks that had not burned, said Berkeley County Sheriff's Capt. Butch Henerey...."

"...For five weeks, relatives and friends of 19-year-old Shannon McConaughey anguished over her disappearance. On Monday, their worst fears were confirmed. A body found Friday in woods near Awendaw has been positively identified as that of the Berkeley County woman missing since Jan. 29..."

"...Charged with murder are James Isaac Weston Jr., 24, of South Santee Road; Harry James Rivers, 29, of Society Road; Elijah J. Johnson, 26, of Old Germantown Road; and Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Rainey Street in Georgetown. All four were denied bail..."

"....One of five men charged in the 1998 murder of Shannon McConaughey told investigators she was raped and shot twice in the head after leaving a McClellanville-area bar with the suspects, a detective testified Tuesday. Suspect Elijah Johnson claimed the entire group intended to rape the 19-year-old St. Stephen woman, but the first man to attack her went "berserk" and killed her, Charleston County Sgt. David Robertson said. Robertson testified during a preliminary hearing for three of the men charged with McConaughey's murder - Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Georgetown and McClellanville residents Harry James Rivers, 29, and James Isaac Weston Jr., 24. All three were arrested Feb. 8...."

"...The defense lawyers also raised questions about four written statements Rivers, one of the suspects, provided to deputies in 1998. Rivers first told investigators he saw McConaughey and Randall Taylor drive off together that night after asking him where they could buy drugs, Robertson testified. Rivers later said McConaughey was slumped over in the car and bleeding from her mouth and nose. He changed his story yet again before finally telling police he had been lying and knew nothing about her death, Robertson said. Taylor is accused of shooting McConaughey, and the others allegedly helped him dispose of her body and car, arrest affidavits state. Also charged in the crime are Johnson, 26, and Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, both of McClellanville...."


"....The assistant solicitor countered that only someone involved in the crime could have known the details Johnson provided, such as where the body was found, the nature of her wounds and that a red gas can was on the rear floorboard of her car. Investigators found traces of the can in the car, he said....."

"...The fifth man accused in the 1998 murder of a St. Stephen woman was arrested Saturday aboard a tugboat in Georgia waters. The U.S. Coast Guard detained Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, of McClellanville. Charged with murder, he was being held Saturday night in Georgia, authorities said...."

"....After nearly four months in jail, five men accused of a high- profile Lowcountry murder were set free Tuesday when the Charleston County Solicitor's Office dropped the charges, citing a lack of evidence...."

"...On Tuesday, Solicitor Ralph Hoisington and Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon said they had reviewed the case and determined there was not enough evidence to convict the men..."

"...Johnson was arrested in August 1998 on an unrelated breach of trust charge, deputies said. Deputies at the preliminary hearing said Johnson told them that when the group reached the woods, Randall Taylor suddenly appeared and shot McConaughey..."

"....Authorities say the investigation continues, and they still think some people in the McClellanville area have information, but have not come forward, Lucas said. "We have to have cooperation from people who know about this," he said. "At this point, unless we find some more information, we are not going to be able to bring this case to trial, and we want to," he said...." 

Many more Links to come. It's been over 13 years. 

One thing for sure, Hell is Hot.  

*Every Witness was African American. Not one 

witness said anything about a white dude being 


They all said African American suspects. 

Moody did not kidnap Brittanee. However, he 

in the end was the fall guy. Poor Brittanee was 

sold many times the FBI Testified. 

See all comments: 

Considering the circles they were running in and especially Brozowitz's dodgy sounding connections in the nightclub industry (particularly club Kryptonite), I would say those kids are in a catch 22 and might have their mouths shut for a very good reason. Notice the distinct absence of any mention of drugs in all this ...that has always struck me as strange. I can tell you now that you don't have that many connections with nightclub business identities and the like based on your musical talents alone. I think that club has everything to do with this case and if so then its plausible that these kids are probably absolutely scared shitless to speak about anything shady or give up any names and so have effectively gagged themselves (they don't really have any other option). Or alternatively Brozowitz is creating an intentional smokescreen under the direction of his puppet-master lawyer, so the investigation takes on a 'tunnel vision' aspect and effectively ends up going nowhere (because he knows that there will never be any evidence brought forth against him to prove otherwise)

Think about it, Peter Brozowitz does promo work for Ronnie Davis and his clubs. His lawyer Parrinello or whatever his name is, also just happens to have links to Ronnie Davis and Parrinello's son is allegedly also a business partner in one of the clubs with Ronnie Davis. How this is not a conflict of interest I don't know but even a deaf, dumb and blind retard could point out there is a common link between all these people, the link being Ronnie Davis and his clubs (and probably a whole of cash money).

  2. Jenn Oberer (originally from Chili) moved to Mrytle Beach for a short time, and had recently moved back to Chili. She claims that she and Britannee were not close friends, yet she took her to celebrate spring break at Myrtle Beach. Britannee’s mother claims that she had no more than $100 on her. Spring break at Myrtle Beach would be quite expensive. Why would these girls want to fund a trip to Myrtle Beach for this younger girl if she was not a close friend. Furthermore, if it was so important to these girls that Britannee celebrate spring break with them that they were willing to pay her way, why wasn’t it important to them to stay and help search for her? Maybe, they had other ideas for her.

  3. Peter Brozowitz was a VIP member at club Kryptonite. Here is the home page for Club Kryptonite
    Doesn’t exactly look to me like they’re promoting a dance club for people 18 and older.
    Jenn Oberer claims that they became concerned about her at around 2 am. I would say that she probably called Brozowitz, as his was the last place she knew of that Britannee had been. Immediately, Brozowitz runs back to NY and hires a lawyer.
    Brozowitz works for Ronnie Davis. I have found a Rochester local who has some very interesting things to say about Davis
    Post #29 begins an interesting tale of Davis’ business. Reading through this posters remarks, it would seem that he is running some form of illegal operation. I doubt that he’s just trying to cover up underage drinking.
    It would further appear that Davis himself is no stranger to packing up and running in the middle of the night.
    Article explains that Davis spent $2 million renovating three bars in Rochester NC. Looks like he opened them in August of 2007, then abruptly packed up and ran just a few months later in Nov. of 2007. Also in Rochester NC Nov. 2007
    In an undercover operation, police had arrested 20 people for prostitution.
    Could it be that these people are involved in the sex trade? Possibly, Oberer and Brozowitz had a plan for this girl before even leaving for Myrtle Beach?
    Was Brittanee Drexel been sold by Peter Broswick into the sex slave trade?

    I would say that would be in regard to some pretty bizarre and serious allegations that have been made all over the place about people involved with the nightclub scene in Myrtle Beach, particularly certain individuals at Club Kryptonite (ie. Ronnie Davis), and their apparent involvement in the sex trade business and organised crime activities.

    That is why I was so interested in that Ronnie Davis guy before ... his links with the club, Peter Brozowitz, the lawyer (the lawyer's son apparently has business interests in Club Kryptonite) are all pretty shady. It could just be someone rumour mongering though, I can't really find anything other than random internet comments about it. I doubt anyone will ever come forward with any information about those allegations though ... why would you? Unless ofcourse you are looking for an appointment with a bullet and a 6 foot hole in the ground.
    Re: 17-year-old Brittanee Marie Drexel of New York Missing - Myrtle Beach
    [quote author=trepid link=topic=19642.msg1309822#msg1309822 date=1245391785]

    Considering the circles they were running in and especially Brozowitz's dodgy sounding connections in the nightclub industry (particularly club Kryptonite), I would say those kids are in a catch 22 and might have their mouths shut for a very good reason. Notice the distinct absence of any mention of drugs in all this ...that has always struck me as strange. I can tell you now that you don't have that many connections with nightclub business identities and the like based on your musical talents alone. I think that club has everything to do with this case and if so then its plausible that these kids are probably absolutely scared shitless to speak about anything shady or give up any names and so have effectively gagged themselves (they don't really have any other option).[/quote]

    I never considered this possibility. Most clubs have a deep under belly and if Brozowitz was a 'promoting' he was probably in deep with whatever business that goes on behind closed doors.

    I don't think it would be hard to keep a bunch of young adults quiet with empty threats against their life. Even if Brozowitz is nothing, but a wannabe gangster most of Brittanee's friends don't have experience with that type of stuff so they'll be scared until either Brittanee is found alive or dead. 
  6.  Why burn down a Stash House if you are innocent !!??
  7. Then delete it. Rochester, NY copied it before Shaun 
  8. Taylor Deleted it.  (  why did he delete it ?  incriminating !  ) 
  10.  Shaun's criminal act " Corroborated " every witness statement.
  13.  If it truly wasn't Brittanee Drexel, if, who was the girl in the 
  14. Stash House then??   

  15.  MK Ultra - Mind Control, LSD, can make anyone Confess ....... 

     We were Told in 2012 Moody was in Jail and could not have 

    done it. 

    Then, told don't write nothing about the Drexel case. 

    We Complied. 

    Over a year later Raymond Moody Confessed ??!!   WTH ....... 


  1. Jenn Oberer (originally from Chili) moved to Mrytle Beach for a short time, and had recently moved back to Chili. She claims that she and Britannee were not close friends, yet she took her to celebrate spring break at Myrtle Beach. Britannee’s mother claims that she had no more than $100 on her. Spring break at Myrtle Beach would be quite expensive. Why would these girls want to fund a trip to Myrtle Beach for this younger girl if she was not a close friend. Furthermore, if it was so important to these girls that Britannee celebrate spring break with them that they were willing to pay her way, why wasn’t it important to them to stay and help search for her? Maybe, they had other ideas for her.

    Peter Brozowitz was a VIP member at club Kryptonite. Here is the home page for Club Kryptonite
    Doesn’t exactly look to me like they’re promoting a dance club for people 18 and older.
    Jenn Oberer claims that they became concerned about her at around 2 am. I would say that she probably called Brozowitz, as his was the last place she knew of that Britannee had been. Immediately, Brozowitz runs back to NY and hires a lawyer.
    Brozowitz works for Ronnie Davis. I have found a Rochester local who has some very interesting things to say about Davis
    Post #29 begins an interesting tale of Davis’ business. Reading through this posters remarks, it would seem that he is running some form of illegal operation. I doubt that he’s just trying to cover up underage drinking.
    It would further appear that Davis himself is no stranger to packing up and running in the middle of the night.
    Article explains that Davis spent $2 million renovating three bars in Rochester NC. Looks like he opened them in August of 2007, then abruptly packed up and ran just a few months later in Nov. of 2007. Also in Rochester NC Nov. 2007
    In an undercover operation, police had arrested 20 people for prostitution.
    Could it be that these people are involved in the sex trade? Possibly, Oberer and Brozowitz had a plan for this girl before even leaving for Myrtle Beach?

  2. Has Brittanee Drexel been sold by Peter Broswick into the sex slave trade?
    about 1 hour ago from web

    I would say that would be in regard to some pretty bizarre and serious allegations that have been made all over the place about people involved with the nightclub scene in Myrtle Beach, particularly certain individuals at Club Kryptonite (ie. Ronnie Davis), and their apparent involvement in the sex trade business and organised crime activities.

    That is why I was so interested in that Ronnie Davis guy before ... his links with the club, Peter Brozowitz, the lawyer (the lawyer's son apparently has business interests in Club Kryptonite) are all pretty shady. It could just be someone rumour mongering though, I can't really find anything other than random internet comments about it. I doubt anyone will ever come forward with any information about those allegations though ... why would you? Unless ofcourse you are looking for an appointment with a bullet and a 6 foot hole in the ground.

  3. Re: 17-year-old Brittanee Marie Drexel of New York Missing - Myrtle Beach
    [quote author=trepid link=topic=19642.msg1309822#msg1309822 date=1245391785]

    Considering the circles they were running in and especially Brozowitz's dodgy sounding connections in the nightclub industry (particularly club Kryptonite), I would say those kids are in a catch 22 and might have their mouths shut for a very good reason. Notice the distinct absence of any mention of drugs in all this ...that has always struck me as strange. I can tell you now that you don't have that many connections with nightclub business identities and the like based on your musical talents alone. I think that club has everything to do with this case and if so then its plausible that these kids are probably absolutely scared shitless to speak about anything shady or give up any names and so have effectively gagged themselves (they don't really have any other option).[/quote]

    I never considered this possibility. Most clubs have a deep under belly and if Brozowitz was a 'promoting' he was probably in deep with whatever business that goes on behind closed doors.

    I don't think it would be hard to keep a bunch of privledged young adults quiet with empty threats against their life. Even if Brozowitz is nothing, but a wannabe gangster most of Brittanee's friends don't have experience with that type of stuff so they'll be scared until either Brittanee is found alive or dead.

  4. Considering the circles they were running in and especially Brozowitz's dodgy sounding connections in the nightclub industry (particularly club Kryptonite), I would say those kids are in a catch 22 and might have their mouths shut for a very good reason. Notice the distinct absence of any mention of drugs in all this ...that has always struck me as strange. I can tell you now that you don't have that many connections with nightclub business identities and the like based on your musical talents alone. I think that club has everything to do with this case and if so then its plausible that these kids are probably absolutely scared shitless to speak about anything shady or give up any names and so have effectively gagged themselves (they don't really have any other option). Or alternatively Brozowitz is creating an intentional smokescreen under the direction of his puppet-master lawyer, so the investigation takes on a 'tunnel vision' aspect and effectively ends up going nowhere (because he knows that there will never be any evidence brought forth against him to prove otherwise). 

    Think about it, Peter Brozowitz does promo work for Ronnie Davis and his clubs. His lawyer Parrinello or whatever his name is, also just happens to have links to Ronnie Davis and Parrinello's son is allegedly also a business partner in one of the clubs with Ronnie Davis. How this is not a conflict of interest I don't know but even a deaf, dumb and blind retard could point out there is a common link between all these people, the link being Ronnie Davis and his clubs (and probably a whole of cash money).

  5. They know.....
