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Tuesday, January 30, 2024


In COD We Trust (Goodbye Navy C-2 Greyhound) V-22 Osprey

 Many of flights on this plane. Landing on a Carrier in the back, 

facing towards the rear. This so on landing not to hurt or break 

your neck.  Always have your head down on landing also. 

 ( best roller coaster ride in the world. ) 

 COD - Carrier On Board Delivery  
Brought mail, personnel and spare parts on board carriers. 

The reasons that the Navy is replacing the C-2 with the CMV-22,
are age, vanishing parts vendors, and the ability of the Osprey to
carry a complete F135PW-400 engine without being broken down
into smaller components for loading aboard the C-2, plus, the CODSPREY
can conduct VITREP/VOD along with performing the traditional COD
mission, without the cargo broken down into smaller sling loads for the
choppers to take over to the Strike Group's escorting Cruisers, and
Destroyers, which is time consuming.

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Untold Story of Air France 447 / Airbus huge mistakes. Airbus and Air France failed to make repairs.

Pitot Tubes, air speed indicators, freezing over and Airbus and
Air France should have acted sooner. Saving over 200 plus
Lives. They did nothing.

Terribly sad story. The youngest pilot should not have been
anywhere near the Controls when the problem started. He
put the plane in a Stall when you always push forward. Also
Airbus had created this problem and already knew of this
problem. Bad air speed indicators froze over.

Airbus and Air France were sued by the family
members and Airbus and Air France were found Not Guilty
of anything not to long ago. Bull.... Politics .....

They dropped like a rock and had no idea they were. smh.
Nose up, tail down, falling at over 300 knot. Flat out falling
like a rock and Airbus A 330 failed them. Confused them.
The idea Airbus & Air France knew this years earlier is
criminal. ( always push forward to gain speed. )

Airbus @ Air France failed these poor people terribly.
And walk after France Courts found them not guilty of Man
Slaughter. No fines or prison time. smh ..
Fix the planes sooner than later. .... Shameful ....
( $$$$ cost 228 lives !!?? wth )

It was so frustrating that the relief pilot kept trying to do what
might have saved the aircraft only to have the confused, potentially
panicking FO yank the controls back from him and doom them all.
Very sad, very frustrating incident. You've done a tremendous job
educating everyone who's watched this video! Pitot Tubes freezing and
Air France and Airbus should have acted sooner. - A 330 POS

The Controls DONT WORK!! Airbus Computer Nightmare

Airbus planes have many issues too.

In my 43 year design career, I have been involved with numerous
incidents/accidents involving system level failures, and that was the
most complex and interactive series I have ever heard of. Your extensive
knowledge and ability to explain it was key to this great video. I always
suspected that as we moved into more and more complexity in our aircraft
systems we would have accidents like this, but this was really mind blowing.
Thank you for this video. It really reinforces my belief that the 1 minute news
clips that we get from the main-stream media don't really tell us anything,
and are a disservice to the public. Airbus Planes have many issues too.

Russian Pilots Denied Entry to Canada | ATC vs Pilots

Friday, January 26, 2024

Funniest Impressions Done in Front of the Actual Person

Ice Cube, Kevin Hart And Conan Help A Student Driver | CONAN on TBS

Hey Steve: Steve Gets a Huge Surprise

Fluffy Meets Arnold Schwarzenegger | Gabriel Iglesias

Official Ron White - I Got Thrown Out of a Bar

Larry the Cable Guy Git R Done Best Stand Up


All-time funniest Celebrity Family Feud moments with Steve Harvey!

Funny Family Feud Answers & Moments with Steve Harvey

50 Funniest Answers & Moments With Steve Harvey On FAMILY FEUD

The Cast Of "Young Sheldon" Has No Idea What These Things From The 80s Are

Rhys Olivia- Appearance on Little Big Shots

Boogie Woogie Queen Gets A Police Escort To The Piano

This guy is good. 

What a great way to spend time in an airport or train terminal.

Pray tell, how would he know whether they were armed or not? 

 Should he have asked politely?? For all he knew, they could have had 

guns, knives, or any other improvised weapons they could have 

conceivably concealed. Even if they were unarmed, they followed 

him TO HIS HOME for miles with the intent to victimize him. 

 I am so sick of the whole "unarmed" nonsense pretending like you 

even need a weapon to beat someone to death with your bare hands 

(especially 2v1).  

Off duty Officer chased for Miles, by 2 carjackers, and when he arrives home

the suspects jump off their motorcycle and he fires his weapon. 

Self Defense all day....  

They followed him all the way to his house. 

Justified.  Self Defense.   Amen 

Off Duty Officer turns the tables on carjackers. 

Bravo Zulu. 

Crazy people come in every size, shape and color. 

 There will always be people that don’t understand you, people that are not for you. Human nature is to get in there and fight to straighten them out, to show them what we’re made of. Don’t take that bait. That’s a distraction. They don’t control your destiny.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

REACTS TO "The Officer Tatum" REACTION To Colin Kaepernick...


His own parents didn't want him, they didn't want to take care
of him. His adopted parents took care of him, take him to school,
pick him up from school, buys his necessities like clothes, shoes,
school supplies. They took care of him when he was sick, put a roof
over his head, prepared food for him, took him to his games, took him
to practices. How ungrateful human being. I feel really bad for the
adopted parents .😢 

Just want to point out one thing about this comic book: it's about
his struggles in high school...Something to consider, is the fact that
in High school, Colin was the Captain of the Football and basketball
teams at a nice suburban school, and was all state in both.
I promise you, he had a better time in high school than you did.

He should be ashamed of treating his parents who took him in.
He grew up like a king. Unbelievable.

Colin where was your black family at who abandoned you ??
He's a Millionair and still cries racism ?? NFL. WTH .. Fake ..

The NFL bent over backwards to give his behind another try
after he quit the NFL !! 49 ers. Colin never showed up. Faker.
Race baiting.

Here's Why You Shouldn't Threaten a Nurse

For a person who supposedly can't breathe , but yet can have
the ability to talk and threaten to knock somebody out,
that's impressive

I have severe lung issues. For him saying he can't breathe,
he sure can talk a lot.

Joe Biden's America. Defund the Police Idiots. Look at this
criminal. Many, many act just like this. Criminals come in every
size, shape and color. Thank you Police Officers.

There is a sever shortage of Police Officers. No thanks to Biden,
Dems, Antifa, etc., We need more Police to stop all the crimes
happening today.

I had a patient (a grown man who towered over me) tell me last
week, “If you hurt me, I’m gonna slap you”. I was cleaning and
dressing his wound. I smiled and said, “It’s about a ten year
sentence for assault on a healthcare worker. I’m sure it’d really
hurt too, if your slapping me, resulted in me accidentally pushing
my fingers through this wound”. He didn’t say another word. He
was also discharged from the practice. Good luck finding another
primary care provider taking new patients.

I’m a nurse manager in a hospital and this behavior is almost daily
in our emergency department. Some of it is psych related but most
of it is just bad behavior. Some of our nurses have had concussions,
stitches, PTSD, broken bones from patients. Most are upset because
they waited too long to be seen or the MD will not prescribe the meds
they want. Our staff have almost given up filing charges, which are
suppose to be felonies, because the patient goes to jail and the charges
end up getting dropped. I am not sure who the people think will take care
of them in the future because lots of nurses are leaving and the nursing
shortage is growing. My job is to deal with these incidents and I’m over
people too. I love being a nurse but not a punching bag or victim of
verbal abuse. 😢  

I've been a psych nurse for 30 years, worked at the state hospital.
I've learned an important lesson.... There is a difference between
mental illness and bad behavior.

This is the EXACT problem with our legal system today. There is
NO good reason to reduce or drop ANY of the charges on this guy.
All that does is let him know he can get away with this kind of bullshit
in the future. The DA or Prosecutor that reduced/dropped his charges
should be held liable for any crimes this guy commits in the future.
To make it fair, add up the prison time of all the original charges maximum
sentences and that will be the time that the DA/Prosecutor can be held
liable for his further crimes.

The freaking narrator at times attacks the Police ?? Did he even watch 
his own video ?? The criminal acting like an animal, making threats to 
Police and regular people.   What a dirt bag ....  Put a Badge on and show 
them Police Officers how to handle an idiotic, violent criminal.  You'd 
get pissed too.  Human nature.  My God ....  We need more good Police 
Officers like these.  They truly showed a lot of restraint. 

 Criminals are taught in Jail and Prison to say, " I can't breathe." 
Been saying it for over 40 - 50 years. Perhaps longer.  

Deputy walks in on attempted robbery at California 7-Eleven

The deputies did a great job. Somehow I doubt the court will
live up to this expectation...

Nobody wants to work hard for what they want anymore.
Thank to the deputy for being vigilant. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿  

Working at a convenience store especially overnight is one
of the most dangerous jobs there is.

Thank God for Police.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Why burn down a house when you are so innocent?? Guilty ....


Innocent people do not burn down Stash Houses. 

 However, Timothy Shaun Taylor did. 

Because he's not innocent. 

Nor are several of his friends. 

 Bleach might not get all the Fibers, Blood, Semen,

DNA, etc.,  However, Fire will.  He couldn't chance it. 

One or two might roll. 

  ( when we were in law enforcement we called this a, "Clue" )

       ( apparently the feds missed this class .. ) 

Shaun Taylor set fire to a drug house to protect himself and others. They kidnapped many of young girls and brought them here. McClellanville, SC. The FBI had only street names of others involved. Foot, Homie, Rooster, Skills, QB, Cruz, 40, etc. Trafficking Ring.

After a year went by, Shaun Taylor found out the FBI had all 7
real names, he immediately burned it to the ground. He knew 2 or
3 might roll. Listen to what he says. He hangs his own self by his words alone. ( 1:30 - 2:30 he's arguing with a lady about the other drug house, trespassing signs, Shaun is nervous and upset with her, he and the lady exchange heated words. Then at the end from 4:40 till the end. Shaun says," Damn I should have parked the Lexus over there." His son says move it now, Shaun replies, " that fire to hot for that now." ) Arson .... Obstruction of Justice ....


Shaun knew some would snitch. Roll to save themselves.

**Many people do not buy the Raymond Moody story the Feds told.
# 1: in 2012 they told us Moody was in Jail and couldn't
have taken her.
# 2: Da'shaun Taylor told the FBI of 2 men in McClellanville arguing
over Brittanee Drexel Cellphone.
# 3: Countless other Witnesses gave statements bout the Taylors and
others Kidnapping girls.
# 4: Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave
signed Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
# 5: Sold her in Georgetown, North Charleston and McClellanville.
The FBI testified to the above.
# 6: Burning the Stash house to the ground with his face & voice on Video. - which he later deleted..
# 7: Shaun Taylor by his own hand, "Corroborated" everything
several other witnesses had told Detectives and the FBI.
# 8: Video of Arson, Obstruction of Justice, etc. Shaun Taylors

Why would Shaun burn a house to the ground if he was so innocent??
Then - delete the video after 30 minutes??!! Guilty .......

*More were involved.*

The FBI was so busy "Removing Detectives" off the Case instead of working with the Detectives to solve it. Shameful. Dragged it out for 12 years for a reason.

Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave signed
Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
Detectives threatened with Arrest?! WTH. - If they even talked with these
4 men. .... Hogwash .... !

The Untouchable 4 men.

** Also, everyone was told in 2012 Raymond Moody was in Jail at the
time Drexel went missing. It was on the TV set for 2 weeks straight.
How can he be in 2 places at once?? - MK Ultra.

  1.  Shaun Taylors criminal act, " Corroborated " every witness statement.  
  2.     "More were involved. Human Trafficking Ring."
  3.  Sounds like Epstein Island. With the Feds more worried about what good seasoned Detectives were finding out, than doing their jobs. ( !!?? ) Many people in McClellanville don't believe the Feds either. More were involved. People in that town believe the same.
  4.  It's almost seems like a US Senator son / nephew was in town. Like Bill Clinton and or Joe Biden son Hunter Biden. The area was like Epstein Island. ( Many girls are missing. ) And the Feds needed it to go away. FBI took over the case Officially in 2016. However, the FBI was there from day 1. And when Seasoned Detectives got great leads / tips on the kidnappers the FBI either threatened them with arrest and or removed them off the Case. Sometimes both. 8 Detectives either threatened or removed off the case. Unheard of. 
  5.  A person of interest burns down a house and the FBI blew it off?! With his face on the camera?!  ( the stash house / rape house )  
  6.  Any other Agency would have that person in an interview room the very next morning. Again, the Feds looked the other way. 
  7.  They never interviewed their own witnesses they told us about. In 2016 they had a Big News Media day - Frenzy. 7 street names the Feds were sure were involved. We gave them these 7 street names people real names. Feds interviewed Not One?? 40, Cruz, Homie, Rooster, Skills, Qb, and Foot. - Cruz was nervous and pissed off we found him. He's a large man and no one calls him Cruz anymore. Because his name was in the papers. Skills, Qb, Homie, etc., had similar reactions. If they are so innocent why get pissed off, make threats, talk of leaving town. One even changed his name. He took his new wife's last name. Smith. 
  8. The Untouchable 
  9. Nor did the Feds allow these 4 men to be interviewed either. 
  10. These are the names of the alleged 4 kidnappers. 
  11. 2 Eyewitnesses provided these names. Wrote Statements. 
  12. Feds Interviewed not one ?? 
  13. Nor did they interview our CI's who gave us the real names. 
  15. They waited for over 12 years for a reason. 

We posted this and many others like it so 
the public can decide for themselves. Also 
for peoples daughters and wives safety. 
The Public has a right to know.

*Mk Ultra 

 MK Ultra - Mind Control, LSD, can make anyone Confess ....... 

 We were Told in 2012 Moody was in Jail and could not have 

done it. On TV for 2 weeks. 

Then, told don't write nothing about the Drexel case. 

We Complied. FBI had found some new evidence we 

were told.  We waited for over a year and a half. 

Over a year later Raymond Moody Confessed ??!!   WTH ....... 

 MK Ultra