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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

// Fact of Death : Since 1775 Americans Killed in War Total 1,354,664. Since 1972 an Astonishing 57,762,169 American Children were Denied Life // " WAR ON WOMEN AND ALL CHILDREN " //

Fact of Death : Since 1775 Americans killed in war total 1,354,664. Since 1972 an astonishing 57,762,169 American children were denied life ....


// So Tragic When Someone Takes Their Own Life // God Rest Their Souls //

Jim Carrey‘s much younger girlfriend has committed suicide just days after breaking up with the famous comic actor.
The body of Irish makeup artist Cathriona “Cat” White, 28, was found in a Sherman Oaks, Calif., home Monday night, sources told Page Six.
“I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona,” Carrey said in a statement released Tuesday.
“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightening bolt.”
White posted a final tragic tweet Sept. 24, the same day the pair split.
“Signing off Twitter, I hope I have been a light to my nearest and dearest,” White tweeted.

Friday, September 25, 2015

// Same State Dept That Couldn't Rescue Four ( 4 ) Americans Now Says It Will Rescue 200.000 Muslims // ???? //

Same State Dept That Couldn't Rescue 4 Americans Now Says It Will Rescue 200.000 Muslims

// Sydney Moorer ( Tammy Moorer ) Heather Elvis Murder Suspect (s) Requests 2 nd. Bond Modification // Moorers Allowed To Travel // ???? // Judge Markley Dennis Always A Criminals Friend //

MYRTLE BEACH, SC   The attorney for the man accused of kidnapping and murdering 20-year-old Heather Elvis has filed a motion requesting another bond modification, weeks after a Charleston judge granted a modification allowing Sydney Moorer and his wife to leave for Florida.
In a motion filed with the Horry County Courts on August 18, Moorer’s attorney Kirk Truslow requested that the court move to modify the conditions of his client’s bond. The clerk of court reviewed and filed the motion on August 24.

At  on Thursday, August 6, the attorneys for the Moorers asked the Judge Markley Dennis to modify their bond to allow Sidney to go to a job interview in Orlando, Florida on August 10. They claim they are unable to find work in Horry County.
Both Sidney and Tammy Moorer have been out on bond since February 2, 2015, two days after Judge Dennis set bond at $100,000 each for all charges related to the Heather Elvis case. They were both required to wear GPS monitoring devices, stay outside of a five-mile radius of the Elvis house, and have no contact with the Elvis family.
The Moorers were taken into custody at their Horry County home nearly one year earlier, in February 2014, and were charged with kidnapping and murder in connection with the disappearance of Heather Elvis, who was 20 years old when she went missing in December 2013.
The trial was originally scheduled to take place in May 2015, however was delayed indefinitely in March.
The Couple has been Allowed to travel to Orlando, Fla, for a week while Sydney Moorer is interviewing for a job in his field of restaurant maintenance. The ruling stated if he gets a job that requires him to travel to different chain restaurants the jobs must be limited to South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. The Moorers are Charged with the Murder of Heather Elvis. She was reported missing on Dec. 19, 2013, after her car was found at Peachtree boat landing. Her body has not been found. The couple was charged in February 2014. A Trial Date has not been set ....

  // Judge Markley Dennis Always A Criminals Friend //

Upstate Criminals SC: // Judge Markley Dennis Is The Same Judge That Let...

Upstate Criminals SC: // Judge Markley Dennis Is The Same Judge That Let...

Upstate Criminals SC: You Won't Believe This Sentence Imposed By One - J...

Upstate Criminals SC: You Won't Believe This Sentence Imposed By One - J...

Read more here:

// Muslim Rape Gangs Supported By The Koran // Sick - O's // Islam Allows The Rape of Women and Children // Say No To Islam In The USA //

// DIA ( Defense Intel. Agency ) E-Mails // ISIS Deliberately Armed & Funded By OBama & Clinton // Treason //

DIA E-MailsISIS Deliberately Armed & Funded By Obama & Clinton

Thursday, September 24, 2015

// Please Just Let Me Breathe, Days will go by where I am fine, days where I do not cry or have an uncontrollable urge to huddle in a little heap and snarl at someone, days where I smile at the world and it's people, days where I feel comfortable. But then, everything will change in an instant, the burning hole in my chest will burst open, raging, I suffocate, no matter how hard and how deep I try to breathe. The pain suck you in, no matter how hard you fight. No matter how hard you prepare yourself against this feeling, it does not get better and it sure as hell does not get easier. The pain of loosing someone is a deep, dark, devouring beast, always there, always lingering, and staring at you, ready to shred you to pieces when you least expect it ... leaving you hurting, leaving you broken //

Please Just Let Me Breathe

Days will go by where I am fine, days where I do not cry or have an uncontrollable urge to huddle in a little heap and snarl at someone, days where I smile at the world and it's people, days where I feel comfortable.
But then, everything will change in an instant, the burning hole in my chest will burst open, raging, I suffocate, no matter how hard and how deep I try to breathe. The pain suck you in, no matter how hard you fight.
No matter how hard you prepare yourself against this feeling, it does not get better and it sure as hell does not get easier.
The pain of loosing someone is a deep, dark, devouring beast, always there, always lingering, and staring at you, ready to shred you to pieces when you least expect it...leaving you hurting, leaving you broken

// Violence in Chicago continues to spike … Where is President Obama? //

and Jesse and Al ????????????????

// Poll : Majority Of Americans Say They Would Not Vote For A Muslim President … … #WakeUpAmerica //

// OBama // Idiot and Chief //

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// Missing : Carrie Branham //

  • NCMEC: 1247863

Carrie Branham

No photo available
Carrie may still be in the local area. She may dye her hair.

// The Democrats of the 1800s believed slavery was good for the black man ... // The Democrats of the 2000s believe that welfare helps black people //

The Democrats of the 1800s believed slavery was good for the black man... The Democrats of the 2000s believe that welfare helps black people

// Killary // Normal Hair Day LOL //

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// ‪‎Missing‬ girl may be with ‪wanted‬ man - Kaitlynn Stephens // She is believed to be with Michael Andrew Keller age 26, of ‪‎Anderson‬,‪ ‎SC //‬

‪#‎Missing‬ girl may be with ‪#‎wanted‬ man - Kaitlynn Stephens, age 16, was last seen in ‪#‎IVA‬‪#‎SOUTHCAROLINA‬ on June 7, 2015. Stephens is 5’4” tall, 150 lbs, has green eyes and brown hair with blond highlights.
She is believed to be with Michael Andrew Keller age 26, of ‪#‎Anderson‬,‪#‎SC‬. Keller is wanted for disseminating obscene material to a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Keller is 6’1” tall, 250 lbs., has black hair and brown eyes.
Anyone with information their location, please contact the Anderson County Sheriff's Office SC at (864) 221-9176 or Detective Eric Russell at (864) 260-4440 or Anderson Area Crime Stoppers at 1-888-CRIME-SC or email
To assist with missing persons and wanted fugitive cases join Locate TheMissing on Facebook at: and follow on Twitter at:

// When the Vatican spends its $10-15 BILLION on lifting up the poor, maybe then I’ll listen to the Pope’s sermons on what WE should be doing !! //

// Wanted : Luis Albert Ruiz // Sex Offender //

The U.S. Marshals Pacific NW Violent Offender Task Force needs your help finding Luis Albert Ruiz. He’s been ‪#‎wanted‬ since 02/23/2015 for failing to register as a Sex Offender.
He is a Level 2 Sex Offender convicted of Rape of a Child 3 as well as Possession of a Dangerous Weapon in 2012, Assault 4th Degree in 2009, Harassment in 2008 and another Assault 4th Degree that year.
He also has convictions for theft and obstructing law enforcement.
Ruiz could be in Aberdeen or Elma in Grays Harbor County or South Bend in Pacific County.
Anyone with information on his location, please call 1-866-359-1939.
To assist with missing persons and wanted fugitive cases join Locate The Missing on Facebook at: and follow on Twitter at:

Sunday, September 20, 2015

// Respect One Another //

Greg Barnes Jr. with Otis Whiting
I was pulled over today for speeding. The officer did not know me nor did I know him, but we each showed one another a mutual display of respect in our interaction. He was doing his job, and I had made a mistake in trying to hurry home to get started moving that lead to our path's crossing. He ran my information, and in the end we talked more about how are individual days were going, and the situations and circumstances within our society that have lead to interactions such as he and I's to play out much more negatively, some even deadly, than ours, than we talked about the situation that lead to him pulling me over. In the end we both thanked each other for our mutual displays of respect and agreed to take a "selfie" together to help tell our story.
I can't stress enough that NO demographic and/or profession of people are all bad. Neither of us are the enemy. We can continue to fight against each other until we are literally "black and blue", or we can show one another the respect we inherently deserve, not as "black man" and "blue police officer", but as humans. None greater, none less...‪#‎Respect‬

// Love //

Mayor Boss Paperboyz's photo.

// Pray and Pray Often //

Sometimes when you think or feel that the light goes out of it literally and your feeling all there really is is darkness, and feel there's no way to go,,, no matter how hard you try / work u keep trying, things still seems like it's not working for u,,,,so as only be human, we all still have different ways of how we all handle the situation,,,,becoming depressed, having doubt,, thinking it's just not gonna get any better,,I have ya an idea,,, TOTALLY FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, ,,pray,,,I can't pray, like a lot of people can pray,,,, so just talk to him, he's listening and is patient and tell him sincerely, that you can't do/handle ,''',what ever ur need is''', all by yourself to give you the strength to be strong enough to stand under the weight of our own thoughts again, and somehow EVEN THE MOST DIFFICULT HRS THAT'S UNBEARABLE,,!!!!!...AND THRU HIM, nothing is impossible .... keep positive, and stand w ppl who are the same ,and u can reach ur limitations ....


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

// Never Take Someone For Granted //

When you have the option to see someone 24/7 you take
them for granted. ⌚You figure that person will always be 
there so "why see them now?" You blow them off, 
for temporary bullshit. 🙋👀You never cherish the time 
with them because " there's always tomorrow."
It's when that person no longer becomes "available" 
24/7, 🚫⌚that you realize their importance in your life.
It's then you have nights without them around when you 
want them to be there. 🚫😴
It's the feeling of "What are they doing? Are they 
alright?" that drives you crazy and makes you feel alone 
for the first time.

It's then when you realize your mistake 

Sunday, September 6, 2015


ISLAM IS THE REAL WAR ON WOMEN and the Clinton Foundation receives money from them and Hillary does favors for them