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Saturday, June 20, 2015

// Dead Cop's Get No Respect From New's Media // Shameful //

  1. I am all for coverage of SC of course, but maybe drop 1 Brian Williams comeback or Caitlyn Jenner story to show a little honor for dead cop.
  2. I live in Louisiana, of course I want thug right caught, but media is on it b/c cop was black like the cop he killed.
  3. This thug said goodbye on FB dial 911,lied about a guy on street with a gun,just to get cops there to kill & NO MEDIA
  4. Georgia Sheriff Ladson O"Connor was laid to rest today.He was killed in a chase last week.Prayers for O'Connor family
  5. FOX I got the photo right. Shape up,
  6. Sweet Jesus can we end this week without one more cop death. 4 in a week is 4 to many in a lifetime never mind a week.
  7. HEY media its safe to report on murder of New Orleans cop. The cop was black like the thug that killed him, so go crazy with it your safe.
  8. Link by is the most popular tweet in my news feed today.
  9. Officer Darryl Holloway(top left) was murdered when thug Travis Boys took officers gun and shot him in the head.
  10. END of watch 6/18/15 Washington Police Officer Rick Silva died in surgery after being stabbed by a shoplifter.
  11. END of watch New Orleans Police Officer Darryl Holloway 6/20/15 was shot in the head by a prisoner during a transport
  12. Don't call me a racist just because I have the guts and courage to use the words black and thug.Sometimes in the same sentence.Talking truth

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