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Saturday, February 28, 2015

// OBama’s Inability To String 2 Words Together When He’s Not Reading From A Teleprompter // 57 States // Idiot //

 Obama’s inability to string 2 words together when he’s not reading from a teleprompter but Obama’s latest mangled attempt at speech is too funny.

As we all know in Obama’s World, there are 57 states, 10 year presidencies, Arkansas is closer to Kentucky than Illinois, he’s already president prior to the election (sort of Alice in Wonderland like there, president now, election later), they speak Arabic in Afghanistan, and kids with asthma use breathalyzers and “inhalators”. Obamas words :

“Well, let me -- let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain government -- administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change.”

That’s good to know that Israel’s policy of being a strong friend of itself won’t change regardless of the outcome of the US election. Shame Obama didn’t take the opportunity to express American support for Israel, ahh well, he’s a Democrat so it would be halfhearted support at best anyways. I am though looking forward to the view of the “Greatest orator since Pericles” on such issues as Jordan’s support for Jordan, France’s support for France, Germany’s support for Germany. Just to help Obama out a little, there’s 16 lander (states) in Germany, they speak French in France, Jordan borders Israel, and for God’s sake don’t engage in another foreign sport like bowling while overseas, stick with your native basketball. Also, we call the government a president leads an administration not a.... oh, I'm a little too late on that one.

Aside from revealing yet again how much of a lightweight he is in foreign policy. Obama mentioned a two favorite leftwing talking points in his recent speech in Cape Girardeau, MO. When talking about why there aren't more NATO troops in Afghanistan he boiled it down to a simple cause, they are mad about Iraq so they refuse to help in Afghanistan. That is wrong for many reasons as it assumes,
  1. Non-Anglo NATO forces that are in Afghanistan are helping. They aren't by and large unless conducting traffic or manning the copier in Kabul are considered "helping".

  2. Non-Anglo NATO countries would be helping in Afghanistan sans Iraq. It is equally, I would argue more but for the sake of argument I'll say equally, possible that there would be fewer NATO troops in Afghanistan as it would be the "bad war" absent Iraq. A similar dynamic can be seen amongst US Democrats, switching from opposition/resigned acquiescence to support for Afghanistan after Iraq.

  3. Non-Anglo Europe was all out opposed to the Iraq invasion and we forced it down their throats. Simply not true, most of Europe (I'm referring to governments of course) supported the Iraq War and/or the subsequent occupation.

  4. Non-Anglo NATO countries have hordes of soldiers just waiting to rescue us in Afghanistan (or Iraq in some cases). Last year Continental Europe proved unable to provide a few thousand soldiers and 9 helicopters to support the NATO mission in Afghanistan, not for lack of support for the mission but for far more tangible reasons.
 Dealing with the incorrect notion that "Europe" was monolithically or even mostly opposed to the Iraq War, the second with the idea that Germany could provide many 10's of thousands of soldiers to support us if we were nicer, and the 3rd is the same as the second but covers France. The last two were written some 2 years ago so some of the specifics are out of date (budgets, "current" deployments, the German military is reorganizing, etc) but they remain accurate overall. They also deal with Iraq, but if they don't have the capacity to help us in Iraq they don't have it to help us in Afghanistan.

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