Monday, January 29, 2024

The Untold Story of Air France 447 / Airbus huge mistakes. Airbus and Air France failed to make repairs.

Pitot Tubes, air speed indicators, freezing over and Airbus and
Air France should have acted sooner. Saving over 200 plus
Lives. They did nothing.

Terribly sad story. The youngest pilot should not have been
anywhere near the Controls when the problem started. He
put the plane in a Stall when you always push forward. Also
Airbus had created this problem and already knew of this
problem. Bad air speed indicators froze over.

Airbus and Air France were sued by the family
members and Airbus and Air France were found Not Guilty
of anything not to long ago. Bull.... Politics .....

They dropped like a rock and had no idea they were. smh.
Nose up, tail down, falling at over 300 knot. Flat out falling
like a rock and Airbus A 330 failed them. Confused them.
The idea Airbus & Air France knew this years earlier is
criminal. ( always push forward to gain speed. )

Airbus @ Air France failed these poor people terribly.
And walk after France Courts found them not guilty of Man
Slaughter. No fines or prison time. smh ..
Fix the planes sooner than later. .... Shameful ....
( $$$$ cost 228 lives !!?? wth )

It was so frustrating that the relief pilot kept trying to do what
might have saved the aircraft only to have the confused, potentially
panicking FO yank the controls back from him and doom them all.
Very sad, very frustrating incident. You've done a tremendous job
educating everyone who's watched this video! Pitot Tubes freezing and
Air France and Airbus should have acted sooner. - A 330 POS

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