Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Prosecutors dropped 95 % of all Crack charges!! Again, Prosecutors Dropped more than 95 % of Crack charges against drug dealers. In the US. People calling 911 in the earlier 90's "Get them off the corners!" Yes sir, just hire more Police Officers and we can get them all off the corners. #facts #factsfirst

Crack Cocaine exploded on the streets in the US in late 89' - 90s'

Small town we grew up in was just like LA, DC, Chicago,

Houston, Jacksonville, ect.,

We went from a few calls every night. To drive by shootings in

a New York minute. omg.

Dodge city.

Brown shooting and killing brown on every street corner.

We didn't have nearly enough Police Officers to handle the

call Volume alone.

When someone say's," They charged the brown man with

higher sentences." Lies ....

911 is blowing up. Americans want action. We arrest as fast

as we could. Not nearly enough man power. Brown ppl called,

Asian, Irish, Scottish, they all called 911. Not nearly enough

man power.

Every single person in our town who was arrested for selling

Crack Cocaine got all "Charges Dropped" after about a year,

to a year and a half. All Crack charged dropped period.

We know because we were on the front line - 89' thru the 90's.

Served our Country. Then our Community.

Saved more than 10 lives. Apartment fires.

Car on fire with entrapment. We got them all out.

We ain't got time to worry about color, wth, when that

fire on you, you move. We saved every ethnicity life.

Bar none. Every life mattered to us.

Never shot no one nor killed no one. However, in 2

incidents would have been justified. Lady stabbed her

boyfriend in the head with a knife, got there, in a half

bathroom, he was holding her arm back and I grabbed

hold also. She is screaming, "F****** kill me."

Boyfriend, "Please don't shot her." Blood dripping

from his head wound onto my jacket in this little

1/2 bath. We together squeezed her arm so tight her

hand went numb and she dropped the knife.

( Thank you Jesus. )

3 little babies crying behind us. No backup, as usual.

Police Officer by far save more lives than they ever take.

We'd arrest them. However, in 2 - 3 days, back on the same

street corner. Lord we are tired.

Put the blame were it belongs. Prosecutors and Judges.

God please let people stop lying so much.

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