Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Boy Adopted by Cop Who Saved Him From Murderous Dad


As a black child who was adopted by a white family, this broke
and healed my heart. My biological mom did several hard drugs
when she was pregnant with me. My parents met me at a month
old because they knew the foster parent at the time. My parents
looked at her and said “This is gonna be our daughter”. They went
to the prison my mom was in at the time and asked her permission
to adopt me. 🎉Adopted me at a year and i’m now 21. I don’t know
where i’d be without them. They had 3 sons already and they loved
me more than anything . Only have 1 alive now but i’ll always be
grateful to have found my forever family 🤍 

At 9 years old that kid is already more of a man than his dad will
ever be. So glad he found a new family!

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