Saturday, October 12, 2019

Too many young girls going missing .. DOJ and FBI must stop this now ..

What if it was your daughter ? The DOJ does nothing ? .. At least 2 girls taken by the Taylor Gang and Crew, probably a lot more. Shannon McConaughey and Brittanee Drexel. Crystal Soles also missing. Same MO. Same area. Missing, White Female, small women, Taylors and Crew nearby, ect…. 2 Written Confessions and several eye witnesses, Dashaun Taylor says," He heard 2 dudes argue over Brittanees cell phone." Snitched. Houses being burnt down. They tried but failed to kidnap Randa Messay. 4 victims. No DOJ presents ?? Everyone knows Taylors look alike. They've raped many of black women also. However the FBI and DOJ do nothing .. ? smh … Like they are scared to arrest hardened criminals like the Taylor gang and their Crew. How many runaways did they kill ? Nearly all run drugs, get them that way. Malik Taylor in jail again for 4 attempted murders. Talk with him. Criminals love to brag to each other. He knows who did what to Brittanee. .. Or just let them keep kidnapping, raping and killing. 

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