Sunday, February 25, 2018

// When people try to push you down, God will lift you up // When they try to make you look bad // He’ll cause you to shine // Amen //

  1. Eighty percent will tell you what you can't do. You have to find the twenty percent that will tell you what you can do. Watch this new message from Joel this morning on podcast! "The Power of the Soil"
  2. You can have a good seed that’s healthy, strong and full of potential, but if it’s not planted in good soil, it’s not going to become what it was created to be.
  3. By ourselves we’ll survive the difficulty, but together we’ll come out better. There’s power in unity.
  4. Your time is too valuable, your destiny is too great, your assignment too important to get baited into battles that don’t matter.
  5. When people try to push you down, God will lift you up. When they try to make you look bad, He’ll cause you to shine.

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