Saturday, October 21, 2017

// Love Some Joel Osteen // The Man Has a Gift from God //

  1. Just because something is passed down doesn’t mean you have to continue it. You can break the chains. You can set a new standard.
  2. You may not understand it, it may not make sense, but God knows what He’s doing. Pass the test.
  3. The enemy doesn’t have the last word, God does. Check out Joel’s Podcast, “A Surge Is Coming”
  4. Your words can limit your life or they can increase your life. They can curse your future or they can bless your future.
  5. The bigger you make God, the smaller your problems will become, and the more faith will rise in your heart.
  6. That storm may be powerful, but our God is all-powerful. Stay encouraged with Joel's messages on podcast!
  7. It’s time to break free; it’s time to rise higher. What’s limited you in the past doesn’t have to limit you in the future.
  8. Don’t be surprised if you face extraordinary challenges. It’s because you have an extraordinary destiny.
  9. The storm is not going to last forever; it's temporary. Stay encouraged with Joel’s new message, “A Surge Is Coming”
  10. Nothing happens until you speak. When you get up in the morning, you need to make some declarations of faith.
  11. The storm is not going to last forever. What you’re going through is just a season. It’s not permanent.

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