Monday, August 28, 2017

// I don't know what's more Reprehensible // The Antifa Terror Group or The Media & DC Politicians that Endorses Them //

In case you missed it
  1. I am Sorry CNN is a sick channel obsessed with negativity about President Trump ! A catastrophe going on in Texas and they don't care Sick !
  2.  ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸StacyLStiles and 3 others liked
    The national MSM is refusing to cover savage terror in . Nearly a complete blackout.
  3. Obama releases 160 Really Bad Dudes from Gitmo and the Left is Silent! President Trump pardons Sheriff Joe and the Left gose insane !
  4.  Major Victor Bravo liked
    I don't know what's more reprehensible, the terror group or the media & DC politicians that endorses them.

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