Sunday, December 4, 2016

// JILL STEIN DECIDES TO KEEP THE MONEY: Say what ? $1 Million Bond for PA Recount ? // WTH // OBAMA //

  1. JILL DECIDES TO KEEP THE MONEY: Say what? $1 million bond for PA recount? That's more than 10% of what I've raised! No way, Jose
  2. Are scapegoating white supremacy for their big loss?
    D'Souza: Democrats Scapegoating White Supremacy for Election Loss
    Order today to receive the the #1 political documentary of 2016 on DVD or Digital HD! Americans everywhere can now learn the truth about Hillary Clinton and her progressive gang at home.
  3. I hear Obama is considering a media or movie career
  4. Obama got Obamacare through in a NARROW window of opportunity--what will the GOP do now that it has a narrow window to get things done?
  5. This is from Matthew 5:9 & honors my niece who just became a member of the San Antonio PD.

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