Wednesday, September 14, 2016

// Clinton // OBama // Trying In Every Way To Destroy Our Great Country //

  1. Obama takes in 110K more refugees - 30% more & not vetted. joins me 7pm

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    1.  Daniel Lindsey -GG&T and 7 others liked this
      Ambassadorships given out to the highest bidder. All while Hillary was Secretary of State.
    2.  DEPLORABLE TRUMPCAT and 5 others liked this
      New shows even the US Postal Service and the Department of Treasury donated to the DNC.

    4.  Deplorable Elizabeth and 5 others liked this
      BREAKING: Obama to Increase Refugee Flow to U.S. by 30%

    1.  DEPLORABLE TRUMPCAT and 5 others liked this
      Colin Powell confirms Clintons HATE the Obamas & vice. They have dirt on each other so that's why their playing nice
    2.  Daniel Lindsey -GG&T and 6 others liked this
      Also back in 2015, Leeds & Powell discussed Hillary's health

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