Thursday, June 23, 2016

// Sidney Moorer had been back in town just a week and he was in Walmart in the middle of the night buying a preg test // Then calls Heather Elvis from pay phone //

  1. - Livesay: We see on camera, he parks at Walmart, gets out, locks the truck with the keys. No one else is in that truck.
  2. Well she's next if she doesn't SING after verdict!
  3. Livesay says there's no evidence of anyone else being in the car when went to Walmart.
  4. Livesay going over buying Wal-Mart pregnancy test.
  5. - Remember: Sidney Moore gave told media 2 days Tammy was in truck w/him at 1:20am. Hmmmm
  6. Livesay: "(Sidney) goes straight from the walmart (to buy a pregnancy test) to that payphone to call her"
  7. - Livesay: This man walks out from buying a pregnancy test and makes a beeline to the payphone to call
  8. If you're watching our live stream, the information on the easel is a timeline of events we've covered in court this week.
  9. - Livesay: How do we know who the test is for? What is on his mind that night? He leaves Walmart 1:20am. 1:35am calls Heather
  10. - Livesay: Sidney Moorer had been back in town just a week and he was in Walmart in the middle of the night buying a preg test
  11. - Livesay: Was the pregnancy on Sidney Moorer's mind?

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