Thursday, June 23, 2016

// Never Heard Or Seen A Judge Do This // WTH // Sidney Moorer Trial // Heather Elvis Case //

  1. - Let's also not forget the judge allowed a friend of defense attorney Kirk Truslow to sit on this jury over State objection.
  2. - I have NEVER seen a judge shake the hand of a defendant once the jury went back to deliberate. WTH?!!
  3. That's being kind. More like methed up!
  4. She looks rode hard and put up wet.
  5. defence claims it was making not guilty then she twists it back to him in her trial
  6.  In reply to 
    these people are so devious and twisted - their social media accounts are really awful -
  7. - anyones daughter cut down in her prime as she was sorting her life out -
  8. Enjoy the time you have left justice will be served.

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