Thursday, June 23, 2016

// Judge Markley Dennis We Find You In Contempt of Court // Shaking The Defendants Hand // Attacking The Prosecutor In Front of the Jury ?? // WTH // The Handshake Heard Around The World //


Heather Elvis Murder Case This Judge has on multiple times given deference to the defense. It's Disgusting and Inappropriate to SHAKE THE DEFENDANT'S HAND after Handing the Case to the Jury !! As well, It's Inappropriate to YELL at the Prosecutor during her Closings Arguments, again - in FRONT OF THE JURY ! He should be Disciplined and OFF this Case ...
LikeReply27 mins
Shelli Anderson Curtis Riddell I have never seen anything like that when he told her to speed it up and then turns around and tells her she can't hand out her paperwork just flat out says no! And then she says pardon me and he says no! That was crazy I've never seen anything like that before! The defense attorney took a long time to get up saying basically the same thing over again but that was OK!!! Crazy!
UnlikeReplyMessage240 mins
Heather Elvis Murder Case Made no sense. I've heard he's easy on criminals. But this is crazy. He's been easy on the Moorers ever since he took over the case. Prosecutor was only doing her job. How Unprofessional of him ...
LikeReply131 mins
Mickey James Godfrey Heather Elvis Murder Case Totally agree. I could not hear part of it but I did hear him yell out NO. That, along with the shaking of Sidney's hand and allowing the friend of the defense attorney on the jury panel, all give me a bad feeling. I just finished watching this and it was not only unprofessional but extremely impolite-rude. In a court of law?
UnlikeReplyMessage126 mins


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