Friday, January 29, 2016

// U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels //

WASHINGTON — When President OBama Secretly Authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to begin arming Syria’s embattled rebels in 2013, the spy agency knew it would have a willing partner to help pay for the covert operation. It was the same partner the C.I.A. has relied on for decades for money and discretion in far-off conflicts: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


It's total hypocrisy to align with the Saudis in our misguided attempts to implement regime change in Syria. Assad, as bad as he is, is far less brutal and dangerous than the House of Saud.

Saudi Arabia is a funder and promoter of ISIS and other forms of radical Sunni terrorism. We're acting as their mercenary by deposing one of their Shiite foes. 

Hillary Clinton urged Obama to fund rebel groups to topple Libya's Qaddafi and the result is chaos and a space for ISIS to move freely. Yes, Qaddafi was a bad guy but he had turned toward the West. And, there were far worse despots that we readily tolerate, if not support. That's Hillary's foreign policy experience.

Next we've destabilized Syria and created an even larger safe haven there for ISIS. Hillary advocated funding and arming rebels there, too. Saudi Arabia is eager for Sunni ISIS to occupy and conquer a Shiite land. Meanwhile, millions of Syrian refugees flood Europe.

Thanks, Obama, Hillary, the CIA, and Saudi Arabia


This article nicely summarizes that which the Times has been reporting on piecemeal for years. It is a welcome addition to finally see the blame for the depth and extension of the Syrian war laid squarely at Obama's feet. He has the blood of millions of Syrians on his hands as he does the Saudis' bidding. That Hillary wants to continue his "legacy" in Syria and Libya, which involved illegal regime changes she has supported, should be a wake up call against voting the status quo in November.


What is Tragic is that OBama and his JV team of foreign policy advisers will be busy building his library when the real costs to the U.S., the West and millions of his Syrian policies becomes clearer. I am sure he will artfully muster a few tears and then move on. History will judge him in the end for what he turned out to be - an opportunistic politician with little scruples when we needed a statesman.

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