Friday, December 4, 2015

// Tashfeen Malik Just Came To America Last Year 2014 // From Saudi Arabia // Meet Each Other On An Online Date Site // Syed Farook Went To Saudi Arabia To Meet Tashfeen Malik For First Time In 2014 // ISIS Could Have Set It All Up // Tashfeen Malik Was Already Radicalized // Then She Radicalized Her Husband Syed Farook // Tashfeen Malik Was Only Able To Get Here ( U.S. ) Because Syed Farook Married Her and Is a US Citizen //

U.S. official confirmed the 2 met and became engaged after Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2013. Malik, a Pakistani citizen, applied for a K-1 visa at the American embassy in Islamabad in May 2014 and Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia that July to bring her to the U.S. The Saudi Embassy in Washington has confirmed that Farook's 2014 trip lasted nine days.
Were Married on Aug. 16, 2014, in nearby Riverside County, Calif. according to their marriage license. Listed their religion as Muslim.
Investigators believe that on at least one of those trips to Saudi Arabia, one or both members of the couple made contact with suspected Al Qaeda Terrorists. 

 The Complex Investigation late Thursday, authorities were trying to piece together a money trail that would have enabled the suspects to acquire over $30,000 worth of guns and explosives. Public records show that Farook made approximately $51,000 per year as an employee of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, making it unlikely he could have afforded such an arsenal out of his own pocket. There is No Evidence that Malik had a job.  .... ISIS .... FUNDED PERHAPS .... LOCAL HELP $$$$ .... OTHER ISIS / GROUPS IN AREA ....


Mr. own it, and now the citizens of the United States are dying because you seem to have a hard time admitting that "Islamic Terrorism" is flourishing and expanding under your watch.
It's hard to grasp that you think "Climate Change" is more important to the U.S. and the civilized world than Global Islamic Terrorism. How many people were killed by climate change this last month? HINT: NONE. How many people were killed by Islamic Terrorism? HINT: HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS.
Because of you and the Democratic Party behind you, the very fabric of this great nation is being torn apart at an alarming rate! This country cannot maintain this current rate of descension for much longer! It may, I fear, be too late to undue the damage that has already been done!

Here's a simple question: When are the Democrats going to start being Americans again? 

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