Tuesday, October 27, 2015

// Brittanee Drexel // 6 1/2 years later you're still Missing Brittanee Drexel, but please know that a lot of people are helping to find you. The longer that you remain missing, the more your family and friends miss you and want you back home //

6 1/2 years later you're still missing Brittanee Drexel, but please know that alot of people are helping to find you. The longer that you remain missing, the more your family and friends miss you and want you back home. Everyone please share these and all photos of Brittanee.

LETS NOT EVER LET THE WORLD FORGET THIS FACE!! Please email WMBF News Investigative Team directly by clicking this link, and flood them with requests to do a segment about Brittanee, and investigate why the Myrtle Beach Police will not get their head out of their ass, and do what is necessary to find Brittanee and get answers for her family. Here is the link; http://www.wmbfnews.com/category/255280/submit-a-news-tip 
Though we all will have to work hard to get answers, and get MBPD to take more action, it is worth it so that a family does not have to agonize not knowing what happened to Brittanee, and if she is still alive or not. Joel Monts de Oca 

*PLEASE SHARE* Here is a link to the DATELINE NBC Facebook page.Though the setting they have won't allow you to post on their wall, you can send them a private message requesting that they do an episode about Brittanee Drexel as part of their "Missing in America" series, or their "Cold Case" series or both.They have already received thousands of messages and Emails thanks to all of you, and lets continue to flood them with requests until they finally do an episode about Brittanee.We can never let our commitment lag, rather the more time that goes by, the more aggressive we should become. Joel Monts de Ocahttps://www.facebook.com/datelinenbc?fref=ts

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