Monday, April 27, 2015

// Under Obama's watch. It's change like he promised. Complete chaos in USA. Pathetic // TWITTER //

    1. : Baltimore PD Now Has 15 Officers Injured! 2 Are Hospitalized Still!
    2. If this is what Obama administration is going to allow, we need to get ready for civil war.
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    3. I'be been saying this all along - there is a huge violent civil war created by
    4. Not just yet, missy! A few more unconstitutional ammo regs , then we'll be ready! Suckers!
    5. Under Obama's watch. It's change like he promised. Complete chaos in USA. Pathetic.
    6. I have known for yrs that Obama wants civil unrest Declare martial Law suspend the pre election
    7. We are screwed. Waiting for the illegals Obama importing to explode in some way.
  1. You can't build up a movement by burning down a city. A CVS is not the enemy.
  2. Media commentators can't say this or they're vilified. Democrat policies for decades hv created a valueless underclass

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