Saturday, April 18, 2015

// So Who is Still Willing to Fight and Die for Assad ?? //

So Who is Still Willing to Fight and Die for Assad

Assad is running out of troops willing to die for him.

Assad has used Hezbollah and Iran's Shia foreign legion as shock troops to spearhead offensives so his own shaky forces can hold what is cleared by the shock troops.

Hezbollah has already shown signs of strain in carrying out this role.

Assad's troops are showing signs that they can't even carry out the less demanding role of "hold" without stiffening by the foreign fighters.

Now the Iranian legion is apparently getting tired of being the shock troops:
Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops fighting on behalf of the Bashar al-Assad regime have reportedly withdrawn from a number of battlefronts and redeployed to strategic points around the Syrian capital.

“The Iranian leadership has withdrawn [IRGC fighters] because there is no strategic advantage for the forces in many areas and they have suffered heavy losses,” Italian Adnkronos news agency (AKI) reported Tuesday.

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