Sunday, January 19, 2014

" The U.S. was 96 % Christian and considered by most as a "Christian nation".

I've never seen a time when Americans were so weak and spineless. I'm almost 60 and I remember very well what people where like when I was 7 or 8 years old. You didn't steal an election back in the late 50s and early 60s. People respected the constitution and their leaders. Preachers and churches were respected even by criminals. The U.S. was 96% Christian and considered by most as a "Christian nation". We didn't back talk our parents and if you thought there was anything good about communism you kept it to yourself. But there was a fly in the ointment:

 Our attitude toward women, and races that weren't white, left a little something to be desired. I never embraced that because thank God I had an Aunt who wouldov  beat the brakes off of me or any other kid who tried bringing that crap to her block. But then came "Evolution" and people were suddenly being Offended by Prayer in School and the Reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. We took the Ten Commandments down from the Walls of our Public Buildings and forbid even mentioning the name of the Great Legislator who gave us this gift of prosperity and freedom. Then we began seeing the results.

Teen pregnancies, shacking up instead of getting married, kids being raised by single parents and just as many ending up on drugs, in prison, dead, or all 3. And we still haven't caught on. Now we're losing our freedom and prosperity, our morals have gone down the tubes and we allow ourselves to be herded into "programs" like we're a bunch of cattle.  "Nobody is willing to suffer anymore". We all want everything now and nobody wants to pay for it. Well, we're gonna pay. And the suffering we endure this time will be pale in comparison to the "honorable suffering" we could have endured and brought about good with it.

Now maybe we can begin to understand who and what our real enemies are.
R.I.P. America. It was good while it lasted  ..

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