Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Devin Walker Finally Making Sense On Facebook // IF NO LAWS EXISTED ...

If no laws existed for a week I wonder how much of yall niggas would be screaming fuck the police then, cause I guarantee you ga get tired of having to fight your way to work, you ga get tired of ya mama and sisters gettin gang-raped cause niggas down the street keep breaking in yall house fa sex, you ga get tired of gettin robbed everytime you leave the store, (THATS IF DA STORE AINT ALREADY GET JACKED).. You ga get tired of waking up to ya car bein missin, you ga get tired of gettin kidnapped every-day by a cab-driver cause u insisted on catchin a cab to anotha city, you ga get tired of stepping over dead-bodies to get to ya car cause im pretty sure alotta people ga be dead cause everyboy beefin an aint makin moves cause dey scared of prison-time, man if aint no laws existed, do yall dumb asses literally think erything ga be smooth and good lol?

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