Friday, April 19, 2013

" Boston Bombing " - This Young Man will Break It Down for You as to All that Went Down Last Night and this Morning about the " Fleeing Terrorist " !! Pretty good commentary .... lol

Ty Barros

Ty Barros


they say you out ya mind, na you dont know whats in my mind
Cambridge, Massachusetts

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  1. they can tell us w.e they need to cover everything up

  2. fell victim to media savage today, didnt want to do as many interviews as i did, point is that he was a normal kid and this doesnt add up

  3. Whys niggas mad at me son lol

  4. Niggas mad because i can speak well and dont gotta act all tough like them

  5. mad kuz i got a better camera presence than him and he a rapper lol
  6. nahhh shun i aint even see it yet

  7. Went from answering one reporters question to doing 10 interviews, i gotta problem saying no and these reporters straight savage lol
  8. U know i always gotta give my 2 cents lol
    1. You think a terrorist isn't gonna come to Cambridge? We got the best colleges here.. Be foreal..y'all can't be this surprised
    dude those are alainas brothers..... They been here

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    1. deadass?! That's fucking wild if true
    2. they showed her on the news

    3. : dude those are alainas brothers..... They been here” interesting connection

    1. All my Morse ppl!!!! That Alainas lil brother kuz!!!!!!

    2. : All my Morse ppl!!!! That Alainas lil brother kuz!!!!!!” SHUT THE FUCK UP !!

    dude!!!!! Theyre both her brothers!!!!!! Swear to god on everything

    Image will appear as a link
    1. Like RFT he's been in America only a year but y'all went to school with him?? Right stfu

    2. dawg..... These ppl been jn cambridge for years, i went out with their sister in 8th grade
    3. so what's the gunna solve? You knowing them what's that changing?? All that is irrelevant

    im just sayin niggas aint lying, these were well known kids in the bridge for years

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    1. but again what does all that matter nigggas know em so well but don't where he's at so all that extra shit is irrelevant

  9. All my Morse ppl!!!! That Alainas lil brother kuz!!!!!!

  10. dawg..... These ppl been jn cambridge for years, i went out with their sister in 8th grade
  11. And this all started in the P

  12. Niggas hijacked someones car in Kendall and took him on Memorial drive, dumped his ass at 808 lmao shits crazy
  13. good looks bro shits unreal especially for this area
    1. 03:42 Report of possible SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE at MASSACHUSETTS AVE & PROSPECT ST in

    : 03:42 Report of possible SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE at MASSACHUSETTS AVE & PROSPECT ST in ” too close mon

    Image will appear as a link

  14. lol CNN just reported that a 2nd suspect has been arrested & described as 'middle eastern in complexion.' middle eastern is now a color.
  15. Only 4 types of people tell the truth. 1) Kids. 2) The drunk. 3) The angry. 4) .

    1. They robbed the store, killed the cop, car jacked the Benz ... an then shot it out an threw grenades at the police!

    my question is, why is niggas who got grenades on deck robbin 7/11? Lmao

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    1. yea u haven't been watch the news... They killed an MIT cop at MIT after, then had a shoot out at watertown and had grenades

    2. wtf thats mad disappointing, all this shit kuz they robbed fuckkn 7/11? The fuck type a cook shit lol

    3. they jacked at Benz at Kendall too, and maybe robbed Mobil at 808.... Basically

    nigga where u seein all this cnn speaks of none of this

  16. wtf thats mad disappointing, all this shit kuz they robbed fuckkn 7/11? The fuck type a cook shit lol

  17. National attention on my area
  18. : Dittyy jus puked all my wave” 🌀🌊🌀🌊🌀🌊🌀
  19. "Former Justice of the Peace Eric Williams charged with capital murder in 3 Texas killings." -- CNN
    1. Lmaooo!! The light skins done flipped the page and got rude on niggaz smh

    : Lmaooo!! The light skins done flipped the page and got rude on niggaz smh” we turnin up dawg we aint takin no more shorts!!

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