Topics Include: News, Crimes, Criminals WorldWide, Not Politically Correct, Life @ God Almighty ...
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
// DNC Corrupt // WiKiLeaks // If you're still thinking the system isn't rigged ... shush right now // DNCLeak proves it // Clintons at their worse //
- CorgiGirl4TRUMP and 1 other Retweeted88 retweets78 likes
- 2,158 retweets1,990 likes
- Jenn 4 Trump and 5 others RetweetedNow if Putin would release the OTHER 20k Hitlery emails it would be just like Christmas in July! lmao!!! #wikileaks #DNCleak367 retweets460 likes
- JessicaJensen RetweetedThis #DNCleak has me thinking. I despise DT but Hillary is ALTOGETHER crooked and corrupt. She shouldn't ever be POTUS! #weneedarealchoice179 retweets302 likes
- Txwench Retweeted8mw Retweeted Bill hicksCNN, DNC, DWS, & HRC - sittin' in a tree - C-O-R-R-U-P-T! #DNCleak #NeverHillary8mw added,
Bill hicks @Billhic02785574
#DNCLeaks A real story has hit. It's the top trend on Twitter and Facebook and the media is quiet as a mouse. We are at war with the media210 retweets206 likes
- travel info follows@DWStweets @TheDemocrats @timkaine Debbie, how dare you and the DNC ruin this for us! Plotting against Bernie is unethical! #DNCLeak62 retweets176 likes
- CorgiGirl4TRUMP and 3 others RetweetedI wouldnt give Hillary benefit of doubt on anything after #DNCLeak Private Server Lynch Bill Comey HVF Rigged primary Clinton Foundation386 retweets424 likes
- Breaking - The Democratic Election is a Farce #DNCleak - via .@thebernreport #DNCleaks316 retweets292 likes
- Alysia Stern and 1 other follow
- John K Stahl and 12 others followApparently .@Morning_Joe thought #TheSystemIsRigged .@TheDemocrats fear tactics #DNCleak …235 retweets210 likes
- كافر0331 liked#DNCLeak shows: Collusion between DNC & media Plotting to smear Sanders Questionable fundraising for HRC & DNC,021 retweets9,529 likes
- Leaked emails reveal Politico reporter made 'agreement' to send DNC advanced Clinton story #DNCLeak492 retweets360 likes
- Trump/Pence 2016 and 1 other liked#BERNIEFACTS Retweeted CNN PoliticsWhere is the lie? #DNCleak#BERNIEFACTS added,
0:29CNN Politics @CNNPolitics
Trump: The system was "rigged against Bernie Sanders. He never had a chance" #RNCinCLE227 retweets261 likes
- We have no chance as a democracy with reporters like @kenvogel and media like @TheAtlantic. Today’s #DNCleak is embarrassing.244 retweets277 likes
- ⭐Lainie⭐ Retweeted#DontBeSheep Retweeted JordanHey look .@BarackObama our .@POTUS at the #DNCleak Any Words?!?!? .@TheBernReport .@tommiesunshine .@NomikiKonst#DontBeSheep added,
Jordan @JordanChariton
Wikileaks drops 20k DNC emails...SHOCKER it shows direct collusion against @BernieSanders …154 retweets139 likes
- Patti Dennis and 4 others RetweetedIf you're not pissed by the #DNCleak , you're likely part of the problem. Sanders was screwed and so were American voters.463 retweets550 likes
- Ohio 4 Trump and 3 others RetweetedThis is why I cannot morally vote for Hillary. Democrats have their own agenda & they're NOT for the people #DNCLeak502 retweets571 likes
- Mike Schreiner followsThe amount of times Bernie was asked about belief in God and didn't cry antisemitism vs. Hillary crying wolf at imagined sexism #DNCleak
- 844 retweets627 likes
- Trump/Pence 2016 and 11 others RetweetedWOW: DNC sent interns to protest RNC when "allies" didnt come! CNN & MSNBC covered as successful protest! #DNCLeak1,174 retweets918 likes
- 2,301 retweets2,581 likes
- #Alwaystrump and 5 others RetweetedThe #DNCLeak proved that they system was rigged against @BernieSanders the whole time. It's time for his supporters to join the #TrumpTrain387 retweets403 likes
92 retweets150 likes